This feature becomes useful in the event that the FOH engineer needs to make a gain adjustment to a specific RMP-D8
channel (Channels 1-8), but does not want to affect the mirrored transmit channels going to the monitor engineer
(Transmit Channels 9-16).
If Channel 1 is set to +36dB Gain before entering gain compensation mode, Channel 9’s signal level will be 6dB below
Channel 1.
Once Gain Compensation is engaged on Channel 1, Channel 9’s level will maintain its gain setting as long as:
• The adjustment range does not exceed the +/-12dB Gain Compensation limits
• The required digital headroom is available to prevent clipping
In this example, the mirrored GC channel will remain at a +30dB gain level as long as the FOH engineer doesn’t adjust
the gain range /- 12dB of +36dB: the value that was set when GC mode was initially engaged.
Note: If the FOH engineer were to increase Channel 1’s gain /- 12dB, Channel 9’s gain compensated output
would subsequently follow in 1dB increments.
Gain compensated outputs cannot exceed the limits of the 0 - 60 dB gain range available on the RMP-D8.
RMP-D8 Application Remote Control
The RMP-D8 has an available software application that can be used to remotely control the RMP-D8 feature set over the