RUNGU Juggernaut User Manual
2020 model year
Copyright 2017 Standard Bearer Machines, LLC
Problem: I can’t change into
lower gears.
The derailleur may require adjustment or more seriously you have bent a cassette cog.
Inspect the largest cassette cogs for damage. If a cog is bent it will prevent the chain from
engaging with an adjacent cog. Replace the cassette if this is the case. If the cassette cogs are
Check Derailleur alignment. Use a stand or tethering to raise the rear wheel and while operating
the pedals with your hands, try to shift into first gear.
Note: If you have a high-bandwidth Internet connection, please
how to do a derailleur adjustment.
If the derailleur stops or has difficulty moving the chain into first gear, clean and lubricate the
derailleur and refer to component directions to reset the high and low stops for the derailleur to
ensure consistent gear changes. If the derailleur adjustments and cleaning fails to correct the
Check that the derailleur, derailleu
r hanger, or frame isn’t bent or broken. Replace components
as necessary. If the derailleur, hanger and frame are intact,
Contact Rungu Support if you have other questions.
Getting more information
Thank you again for purchasing a Rungu Juggernaut. For further questions, please consult the
on the riderungu.com website or email