(also known as 'hue') is essentially the ratio of red to green in the color portion of the image.
If TINT is decreased, the image will appear redder, and increasing it will cause the image to appear
greener. To set TINT properly, look at the color bar pattern through a blue filter (or mute the red and
green outputs). Adjust TINT until the middle two tall color bars match the middle short color bars
(see color bar drawing).
(also known as 'saturation') increases or decreases the amount of color in the image.
To set COLOR properly, look at the color bar pattern through a blue filter (or mute the red and green
outputs). Adjust COLOR until the outer two tall color bars match the outer short color bars (see color
bar drawing).
For setting
, please refer to the PLUGE pattern below:
adjusts the white level of the image.Adjust contrast until there is a distinct definition
between the two brightest bars.
adjusts the black level of the image. To adjust this properly, adjust BRIGHTNESS
until the 'below black' bar JUST disappears, but the 'above black' bar is still barely visible.
Some DVD players cannot pass the 'blacker than black' bar (they won't pass PLUGE),
and that bar will never be visible. In a case like this, adjust the 'above black' bar until it is slightly
brighter than the background that surrounds it.
Below black
Above black
Increase contrast until this
bar no longer gets visibly
brighter, then decrease
contrast slightly until a
small change in intensity