Step 3 – Front arm installation
Front arm Installation
Prepare the new Rubicon Express front lower long arms by pre setting the length to 36 ½”
All measurements given are for starting points, depending on the lift height and wheelbase desired your measurements
may differ from our recommended starting point.
Remove the passengers side factory upper and lower control arms.
It will be necessary to cut the upper control arm bolt off at the frame end to remove the passenger upper front arm.
This is due to the bolt being installed from the inside out prior to the exhaust installation from the factory. Alternatively
the head pipe assembly can be removed to pull the bolt out of the frame bracket. If choosing to unbolt the head pipe
be sure to disconnect all O2 sensors before removal. (photo 4)
Using the supplied 9/16” x 4.5” bolt from the Rubicon Express front arm kit, install passengers side arm (pocket bracket faces
drivers side) into the cross member mount. (photo 5) Next install the bushing end of the arm into the stock control arm location
on the axle housing using the stock hardware.
Set the upper arms to 15 1/8”. With the supplied ½” bolt install the rubber bushing end into the pocket on the lower control arm
and the fork of the arm over the bushing mount on the axle. Use the factory hardware thru the fork end of the arm. (photo 6)
The rubber coupler is welded at an offset angle. Be sure when installing the arm that the bushing is in a neutral
position. If the arm does not drop over the upper mount remove the ½” bolt and rotate the coupler 180 degrees.
Repeat steps A – D on the drivers side
Tighten the lower control arm bolts at the cross member only, all other rubber attaching points should remain loose until the
vehicle is under its own weight to prevent bushing preload.
Photo # 4
Photo # 5
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