SOE High
The SOE High paramete
r specifies the high SOE trip point for the channel’s input. If the input
rises above this value, an SOE event record is stored in a special buffer within the Chassis
Processor. These records may then be logged by the RTPADA utility in an archival file. If both
the SOE Low and SOE High parameters are set to 0.0, SOE processing is disabled for the
channel. The RTP3000M and RTP3100M do not provide SOE.
Guard Band Low
This parameter defines the lowest input voltage that can be read without a channel being
reported in error in the Integer Channel Error Status word. This value can be either the direct
voltage input or the voltage impressed across the input current to voltage resistor. The default
value of
–10.1 is the lowest value allowed. Set the value to define the correct under-voltage
threshold for the input channel.
Guard Band High
This parameter defines the highest input voltage that can be read without a channel being
reported in error in the Integer Channel Error Status word. This value can be either the direct
voltage input or the voltage impressed across the input current to voltage resistor. The default
value of +10.1 is the highest value allowed. Set the value to define the correct over-voltage
threshold for the input channel.
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