RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc.
ID5915 User’s Manual
Software Overview
General Expectations
The Cisco 5915 Embedded Services Router and Cisco IOS Operating System are complex products that support a variety of networking
protocols. The router
must be configured properly before it may be used on the network. It is not a “plug and play” device, nor does it have a
“simple” GUI configuration wizard. To use the IDAN
-ID5915, it is assumed that one is already somewhat familiar with the Cisco IOS CLI and
network engineering concepts.
The remaining sections in this chapter provide some basic information on how to configure Cisco IOS. An in-depth explanation of Cisco router
configuration and network architecture is beyond the scope of this manual. Cisco provides Handbooks and Configuration Guides for IOS-
based routers. Refer to the Additional Information chapter for resources. To ensure the router is configured correctly and securely, enlisting
the services of a Cisco-certified network engineer is strongly recommended.
Command Line Basics
By default, when first logging into the router, the console is in user EXEC mode, which is indicated by the command prompt
. In user
EXEC mode, only a limited subset of commands is available. A common task after logging in is to switch to privileged EXEC mode, which is
done via the
command. After doing so, the command prompt will change to
Figure 14: Switching to privileged EXEC mode
The default hostname is Router, which is reflected in the command prompt. If the hostname is changed, the
command prompt will change accordingly.
The Cisco IOS CLI provides a rich help system. For a list of available commands, type
. The question mark can also be used to display a
list of options for a command. Using this technique, it is possible to discover most of the functionality in the CLI.