Real Time Automation, Inc.
LED Status
- This is the Status for
All Slaves
or the specific slave selected.
Solid Green (Connected)
The gateway is connected to all the Modbus RTU Slaves that are
configured and enabled.
Flashing Green (Not Connected)
No Modbus RTU Slaves are enabled/configured.
Verify Modbus RTU settings and ensure that the
checkbox is checked for the
appropriate Slave(s).
Flashing Red (Connection Timeout) - The gateway cannot open a connection to one or more of the
enabled Modbus RTU devices.
Verify Modbus RTU device for Slave Address, 0 or 1 Base Addressing, ASCII Messaging, and
Starting Addresses
Verify port settings used match the Modbus Slave that the gateway is communicating with.
Verify wires for specific port settings.
Flashing Red (Empty Scan List) - One or more enabled Modbus Slaves have no scan lines configured.
Flashing Red (Communication not attempted yet)
(Specific slave only) No reads are configured and
data needed for writes isn’t valid yet.
Flashing Red (Dependency Error) - The dependent protocol is missing causing the communication to
go to inactive.
The other protocol must be
Solid Red (Fatal Error)
The serial port selected on the Modbus RTU Master Configuration page is
not configured.
Verify that Modbus RTU has an enabled Port selected. If needed, configure port settings.
- These are the values for
All Slaves
or the specific slave selected.
Network Bitmap Status (Displayed in Hex):
-Each bit corresponds to a slave. If the bit is set, the slave is connected, otherwise the bit is 0.
-Bit 0 corresponds to Slave 1 and Bit 4 is for Slave 5 and so on.
FC01 Read Coil Status:
-Function Code 1: Number of read Coil Status requests sent
-Point Type Used: 0x Coil Status
-# of Points: Any
FC02 Read Input Status:
-Function Code 2: Number of read Input Status requests sent
-Point Type Used: 1x Input Status
-# of Points: Any
FC03 Read Holding Registers:
-Function Code 3: Number of read Holding Register requests sent
-Point Type Used: 4x Hold Reg
-# of Points: Any
FC04 Read Input Registers:
-Function Code 4: Number of read Input Register requests sent
-Point Type Used: 3x Input Reg
-# of Points: Any
FC05 Force Single Coil:
-Function Code 5: Number of write Coil Status requests sent
-Point Type Used: 0x Coil Status
-# of Points: 1