Real Time Automation, Inc.
EtherNet/IP Adapter Data Group Configuration-Connection
The lower area of the EtherNet/IP Adapter Configuration page gives a list of parameters to be used to
connect to the gateway from your EtherNet/IP Scanner device. After data is configured for the data
groups, the applicable connections will display below in the table. Use the instances and sizes next to
the connection for information on how to connect to an EtherNet/IP Scanner/Client.
To establish communications with the above settings, configure the EtherNet/IP Scanner/ Client with
the following:
Input Instance
Destination for Target to Originator as 100.
Output Instance
or Destination for Originator to Target as 112.
Connection Instance
is always 1.
Input Size
for Target to Originator as 64 Bytes.
Output Size
for Originator to Target as 32 Bytes.
We do not make use of passing configuration data, thus
Config Size
is always 0.