In many owner’s manuals, the first section usually tries to make you feel good about
buying the product. However, in our case, we’d rather let the performance of our speakers
do the talking. For those of you who need some soothing words in order to be reassured, we
present the following:
By choosing to own the RSL Digital Fidelity One multimedia speaker sys-
tem, you’ve made a winning decision! There’s no doubt that the music you love to hear is
worth millions to the record companies and the artists that produce it. Yet, because of your
previous speakers, you may have only been getting pennies on your musical dollar. Now,
prepare to be musically rich! We know you’re going to love the RSL Digital Fidelity speaker
system and having you as a happy customer makes us a winner too!
Some of you are used to reading instructions that are difficult to understand. Not to
disappoint some of you who expected that, we present the following:
Please care of the utmost while removing all contents packages from speaker wrap-
pings without fail. All wires that find themselves in packaging may be highly necessary to
complete your installment of system speakers. Instructions such as these should be mostly
concerned to you when connecting for most joyful results.
You really don’t have to read all the stuff that follows if you know how to hookup a
computer speaker system. If you’re like us, you hate to read instruction manuals. However,
if you can stomach it, we have included helpful information to help you maximize the musi-
cal listening experience. But, even if you treat this as any other ordinary computer speaker
system, you are in for a listening treat
(end of hype)
Quick Start
Connect the two satellite speakers to the rear panel on the subwoofer,
matching the RCA plug colors to the red and white sockets, and the Mini-Din plug
to the socket marked “Remote.”
Connect the green mini-jack cable to the (sound) source. This will typically
be the speaker output jack from the sound card of your computer. If using the
speakers with an MP3, CD player or radio, connect the green mini-jack cable to
the headphone output of these devices.
Finally, connect the AC Adaptor to the subwoofer as shown and plug
into an available AC power outlet.