background image




Dynamic resolution (/D)

When this feature is enabled, the response of the cursor
increases  in direction proportion to the speed of the Handtrack’s
movement, ie the speed of the ball not only  controls the speed of
the cursor movement, but the distance the cursor moves.

Command format:


Switch left right button (/L)

If you are left handed, this option allows you to change the
left/right configuration of the Handtrack buttons.

Command format:


Remove from memory

This removes the Handtrack driver from memory.

Command format:


This will disable use of the Handtrack until the driver is reinstalled
(by typing IMOUSE at the command prompt in DOS).

Cursor enhancement utility

If the Handtrack is to be used with a Laptop computer, you may
find the cursor difficult to see as it moves across the screen. This
utility reverses the colour of the cursor making it easier to see.
This utility supports both EGA and VGA LCD displays. (For
information please see the README.DOC file on the driver disk)

For more detailed information on the above options, please refer
to the README file on the drive disk. This can be run by
changing directory to IMOUSE, and running the README.EXE

The information provided in 


technical literature is believed to be accurate and reliable; however, RS Components assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or

omissions, or for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s own risk.
No responsibility is assumed by RS Components for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
Specifications shown in RS Components technical literature are subject to change without notice.

RS Components, PO Box 99, Corby, Northants, NN17 9RS

Telephone: 01536 201234

An Electrocomponents Company

© RS Components 1997
