13/08/2017 Version No. 001
13/08/2017 Version No. 001
5-27.Changing Meter Setup Options
The Meter has a number of preset features such as date and time formats and battery save mode
timeouts, and the displayed language. These variables are referred to as Meter setup options.
Many setup options affect general Meter operations and are active in all functions. Others are
limited toone function or group of functions.
Access to the setup options is always available through the
softkey labeled Setup. Information about the Meter, such as
serial number, model, for example. is also accessed
through the setup menu.
5-28.Resetting Meter Setup Options
The Meter’s setup options can be reset to default values through the setup menu. Open the
setup menu by pressing the softkey labeled Setup. Position the menu selector next to the menu
item labeled Reset and press the softkey labeled Setup. A message will appear asking to
confirm the reset action. Press the softkey labeled OK to perform the reset.
5-29.Meter Info
The Meter Info selection lists the serial number, model number, firmware version, calibration
date, and calibration counter. Operator name, company name are displayed.
5-30.Setting the Event Threshold Value
Press the softkey labeled Setup to access the setup menu.
Using the cursor buttons, move the menu selector next to the menu item labeled Instrument
and press the softkey labeled Enter to open the recording setup screen. Using the cursor
buttons,move the menu selector next to the menu item labeled Event Threshold for Recording
(AutoHOLD) and then press the softkey labeled Edit. Press or to scroll through the event
threshold values. With the desired value selected, press the softkey labeled Close.
password that allows the Meter to be calibrated.
Press the softkey labeled Setup to access the setup menu. Using the cursor
buttons, move the menu selector next to the menu item labeled Calibration and
press the softkey labeled Calibrate, Then input password ,Enter Calibration menu.
If change password, Press the softkey labeled Setup to access the setup menu.
Using the cursor buttons, move the menu selector next to the menu item labeled
Calibration and press the softkey labeled password, Then input current password,
Then input new password.
The Calibration selection allows a qualified calibration technician to enter a
5-33.Setting Date and Time
The Meter’s internal clock is used in the display and for timestamping recorded measurements.
To change the date and time as well as the display format, press the softkey labeled Setup.
Position the menu selector next to the menu item labeled Display. To set the date and time,
press the softkey labeled Date/Time to open the date/time menu. Next, position the menu
selector next to either the Set Date item or Set Time item and press the softkey labeled Edit.
Using and , position the cursor on the date or time element to adjust.Use and to
change the selected date or time element value. Press OK to complete the action.
5-34.Auto Power Off
Press the softkey labeled Setup. Position the menu selector next to the menu item labeled
Display. To set Auto Power Off and then press the softkey labeledEdit. Use and to adjust
the time to one of the preset values. 0 is disable the timeout feature. Press the softkey labeled
OK to set the selected time. Press the softkey labeled Close to return.
5-35.Setting Format
Press the softkey labeled Setup. Position the menu selector next to the menu item labeled
Format. Using thecursor buttons, move the menu selector next to the menuitem labeled
Numeric(Date\Time) format, press the softkey labeled EDIT, select 0.0000(0,0000) and MM/
DD/YY(DD/MM/YY) and 24 HOUR (12 HOUR) format.
5-36.Replacing the Batteries
Refer to Figure and replace the batteries as follows:
1.Turn the Meter off and remove the test leads from the terminals.
2.Remove the battery door assembly by using a standardblade screwdriver to turn the battery
door screw one-half turn counterclockwise.
3.Replace the batteries with 7.4 volt charge batteries Observe proper polarity.
4.Reinstall the battery door assembly and secure it by turning the screw one-half turn
5-32.Using Communications
ou can use the Wireless communication link and transfer the contents of a meter’s memory
to a PC.
Press the softkey labeled Setup to access the setup menu. Using the cursor buttons, move the
menu selector next to the menu item labeled communicate and press the softkey labeled
press the softkey labeled
will start communications function.