Chapter 3 Getting To Know the Cash Register
TS4240 User’s Guide
If the cash drawer will not open, see if the lock on the cash drawer is turned
to the right. If it is, the drawer is locked with the 777 key. You need the key to
unlock the cash drawer. If the key is lost or locked in the cash drawer,
contact Royal.
When you are using the cash drawer, make sure you lower the bill arms
before you close the cash drawer. Never slam the drawer closed.
To open the cash drawer after a sale
When you are done ringing up a sale, press the
Amount Tender
key or
any charge key. The cash drawer opens. You can make change and put
the money in the drawer.
When you are done, push the cash drawer closed.
To open the cash drawer without making a sale
Press the
key. The cash drawer opens and a No Sale receipt prints.
When you are done, push the cash drawer closed. These “no-sale
transactions” are recorded in the Electronic Journal and on the X/Y
daily sales reports for an audit trail.
To lock and unlock the cash drawer using the key
Using the small key labeled 777, insert the key in the lock in the front of
the cash drawer.
• To lock the cash drawer, turn the key to the right and remove the key
from the lock.
• To unlock the cash drawer, turn the key to the middle position and
remove the key from the lock.
To open the cash drawer manually (for example, if the cash register is
unplugged), insert the 777 key and turn to the left. The cash drawer