UV Counterfeit Detection
Counterfeit bills often use white or bleached paper, which will glow under ultraviolet light. To use ultraviolet counterfeit
detection, press the "UV" key . When the UV detector finds a counterfeit bill, the machine will stop counting to allow
removal of the counterfeit bill and will display the error code on the preset display. To resume counting, simply press
Magnetic Counterfeit Detection
If the magnetic detector does not find the presence of magnetic components that are standard in authentic bills, the
machine will stop counting to allow removal of the counterfeit bill. The preset display will show the corresponding
error code. To use the magnetic counterfeit detection, press "MG". To adjust the magnetic sensitivity level, press
for low, medium, and high. To resume counting, simply
Dimensional Detection
The dimension detector measures the width of the center of each bill by using infrared light. If the detector finds an
odd-sized bill, the machine will stop counting to allow removal of the bill and display the error code on the preset
display. To use dimensional counterfeit detection, press
key. The dimension (DD) counterfeit detection
sensitivity level is preset on level 1 (highest level).To adjust width sensitivity level, press
and select 1-5, 1 for
lowest, 5 for highest.