Apex panel
View from inside the building looking up
at the roof apex
Apex panel
Stagger screws as shown, screw
through the apex cover into the
Apex cover
35 mm
8. Verandah
Lay the verandah floor butted centrally up against the front of the building. Position a verandah fence at each end with the fence frames sitting on the verandah floor and the
railings overhanging the floor edge. Secure the fence to the front of the building using 3 x 50mm screws. Use 3 x 50mm screws to attach each fence to the floor. Fix a v eran-
dah roof support to the end of each fence using 3 x 50mm screws per support, ensure the angled end of the support is at the top and is angled in the same direction as the roof.
Place a hand rail on top of each fence and secure down using 3 x 35mm screws.
Roof batten is set 14 mm from
the end of the panel. This end
goes to the roof ridge
Felt batten is flush
with the end of the
Observe the correct
orientation of the
roof panels.
Side view of roof panel
Side view of fitting the roof
S crew through roof into roof
purlin and the top frames of the
side panels.
Roof purlins
Side panel top frame
It is recommended to drill pilot
holes for all screws in this section
with a 2mm drill bit.
It is recommended to drill pilot
holes for all screws in this section
with a 2mm drill bit.
Roof panels must
overhang the back of
the building by
9. Roof
Lift a rear roof panel into position at the back of the building, hooking the roof batten over the upper roof purlin, Ensure this panel overhangs the back of the building by
55mm, secure to the two roof purlins and the top frame work of the side walls using 6 x 35mm screws. Working towards the front of the building, hook a centre roof panel
over the upper purlin and with it pushed right up against the first panel secure in the same way. Add the front roof panel overhanging the veranda secure down with 3
x 35mm screws into the purlins. Secure the veranda roof supports using 1 x 50mm screw per support, screw through the support into the roof rafter, ensuring the support
is vertical using a spirit level. Attach the three roof panels for the other side of the roof in the same way.
Fit the verandah roof gussets on the inside of the verandah roof to the roof rafters as shown. Attach the gusset using 4 x 50mm screws, screwed through the gusset into the
roof rafters. Inside the building fit the apex cover to the two centre purlins using 6 x 35mm screws.