Denotes useful or important facts or suggestions that can greatly
enhance safety and efficiency of operations.
Do not remove or obstruct any safety label. Replace any label which
becomes illegible.
3.1 Boat Identification & CE Marking Classification
Type of Boat:............................................................................CAT2014
Manufacturer's Craft Identification Number..................................GB-SJIxxxxxMMYY
Name of Boat Manufacturer........................................................RowingSolutions Ltd
RCD Design Category.................................................................D, INSHORE
Maximum recommended number of people.................................2 (adults)
1 RCD = EU Recreational Craft Directive See table in section 3.2.1
3 For maximum weight limit see: 3.2.3
3.1.1 RCD Design Category Explanation
This vessel carries the CE marking (shown here) to indicate that it complies with the EU
Recreational Craft Directive. It has been assigned the Design Category explained below:
A boat given design category D is considered to be designed to operate in winds up to
force 4 (Beaufort scale) and the associated wave heights (significant wave heights up to
and including 0.5m). Such conditions may be encountered in exposed inland waters, in
estuaries and in moderate weather conditions.
RowingSolutions Ltd Owner’s Manual CAT2014 Page 6
66 Highfield Park, Wargrave, Reading. RG10 8LE. UK Tel: +44(0)1189 401 041 Mobile: +44(0)7860 224 007