• Check all wiring for proper support.
• Check all wiring insulation for signs of fraying or chafing.
• Check all terminals for corrosion - corroded terminals and connectors should be replaced
or thoroughly cleaned.
• Tighten all terminals securely and spray them with light marine preservative oil.
7.2 Winter Storage
Your boat and the systems and fittings on board can be damaged if they are not properly
prepared for the winter.
You should refer to the advice given in the various handbooks supplied with this manual.
In addition to this you should, for example, consider the following:
Disconnect any gas bottles and place them in safe storage
Fill the diesel tanks to reduce the effects of condensation
Remove, charge and store the batteries in a warm and dry ventilated place
Grease the appropriate steering gear components
Drain non-fuel tanks
Drain toilet bowls
Ensure the engine cooling water has the correct proportion of anti-freeze
Take away any removable delicate on board electrics and electronics
Check and protect all the systems on the boat
Remove all water from the craft and protect it from rain
Ensure deck drains are clear
Check the sacrificial anodes and replace as necessary
The discharge of effluent into navigable waters is forbidden by law in
many areas. If such discharge causes a film or sheen upon or a
discoloration of the surface of the water or causes a sludge or emulsion
beneath the surface of the water, violators may be subject to a penalty.
It is the responsibility of the boat user to ensure that they are aware of
local legislation regarding discharge
The previous sections of this manual provide information on how to protect the boat and
its crew from the environment. This section gives information on how the environment
may be protected from the boat and its crew.
The environment should be understood as including one's neighbours as well as the world
of plants and animals.
In many regions of the world, there are strictly enforced regulations regarding
environmental protection. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to be aware of
applicable regulations and to ensure compliance with them.
RowingSolutions Ltd Owner’s Manual CAT2014 Page 19
66 Highfield Park, Wargrave, Reading. RG10 8LE. UK Tel: +44(0)1189 401 041 Mobile: +44(0)7860 224 007