OPC90 Server
same Bailey Interface Definition block. The block number attribute must also be defined
within the range of 1 to maximum number of allowed outputs set up within the associated
OPC90 DEVICE Block. The Bailey system will receive data from this block at the ring
and node address of the Bailey CIU interface, module two and block number defined by
the block attribute.
2.) This attribute is normally configured when the block is first defined. Since it is associated
with the alarm limits of value an OPC Client is permitted to write new alarm limits in run
time. Care should be taken to not continuously change the limit value since each change
necessitates dis-establishing the point from the ABB Bailey interface and than re-
establishing it with the new limit value.
3.) When the Device block “Set bad quality of max exception timeout” property is enabled,
the QUALITY tag of this block will be set bad if writes to the block input(s) do not occur
within the Exception Report Output Max Time setting of the block. When this occurs, bad
quality will also be written to the CIU and therefore propagated to the users of the block
data within the ABB Bailey system. The quality can also be set bad by writing a one (1) to
this tag.
The RoviSys Company
Version 7.0
Page 42