Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland
Document code
HygroGen2 humidity and temperature
generator: Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
Document Type
of 46
Document title
© 2009-2010; Rotronic AG
– Starts or stops the program and displays the Run and Step timing information
Program Run Time
– Defines how long the current program has been running.
Step Remaining -
Defines how long the current program step has left to run.
Below these, there is a display of the current control value and set-point
To edit the programs, either press/click a set-point value or the ‘Edit’ key.
This opens the Program Edit screen as shown. The
set-point steps are numbered, and below each
step it is possible to change the set point values
and step duration. Steps can also be deleted if
required. A graphical representation of the
program is shown above each point.
Below the edit screen the program number and
name is displayed (this can be edited using a
keyboard). Temperature and humidity stabilisation
criteria can be changed below this. These values
define when the set-point has been reached and is
stable; once the control is within this tolerance;
timing of the step duration begins. If set to zero, no stabilisation criteria are applied, and the timing of
the step duration begins immediately.
1.8 Water in the Chamber
Under some operating conditions (illustrated as hatched regions shown in Section 1.5) water droplets
may form in the unit chamber. This will not affect chamber performance within normal operating ranges
(though it will increase the time to achieve low humidity) and can be removed using an absorbent
tissue. Ensure the HygroGen is switched off before manually drying the chamber.
Before using the HygroGen, check that there is no visible water inside the chamber. If the HygroGen has
been shipped without being emptied, water may enter the chamber from the water reservoir. If the last
condition run by the HygroGen was at high humidity, and the unit not correctly shut down (see below),
condensate may have formed. In both cases, report findings to the shipper or last user. Remove excess
water using absorbent tissue and initially run the HygroGen at an elevated temperature (40°C) and low
RH set-point to dry the system before calibrations are run.