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User manual

Portable air conditioner - ORTA X


Remove the air filter 

Upper filter

(take out)

Lower filter B

(take out)

Lower filter A

(Press the grill down 

slightly and pull the lower 

filter A out at the same time)





•  Always unplug the unit before cleaning or servicing.
•  DO NOT use flammable liquids or chemicals to clean the unit.
•  DO NOT wash the unit under running water. Doing so causes electrical danger.
•  DO NOT operate the machine if the power supply was damaged during cleaning. A damaged power 

cord must be replaced with a new cord from the manufacturer.



Maintenance tips:

•  Be sure to clean the air filter every 2 weeks 

for optimal performance.

•  The water collection tray should be drained 

immediately after P1 error occurs, and 
before storage to prevent mold.

•  In households with animals, you will have to 

periodically wipe down the grill to prevent 
blocked airflow due to animal hair.

Clean the unit using a damp, lint-free cloth and mild detergent. Dry the unit with a dry, lint-free cloth.


•  Drain the unit’s water collection tray according to the instructions in the following section.
•  Run the appliance on FAN mode for 12 hours in a warm room to dry it and prevent mold.
•  Turn off the appliance and unplug it.
•  Clean the air filter according to the instructions in the previous section. Reinstall the clean, dry filter before storing.
•  Remove the batteries from the remote control.
•  Be sure to store the unit in a cool, dark place. Exposure to direct sunshine or extreme heat can shorten the 

lifespan of the unit.




The cabinet and front may be dusted with an oil-free cloth or washed with a cloth dampened in a solution of 
warm water and mildliquid dishwashing detergent. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. Never use harsh cleansers, 
wax or polish on the cabinet front. Be sure to wring excess water from the cloth before wiping around the 
controls. Excess water in or around the controls may cause damage to the unit.

Fig. 18

Содержание O26X


Страница 2: ...CZ 4 FUNKCJE I U YTKOWANIE 16 Przyciski funkcyjne panelu sterowania 16 G wne funkcje urz dzenia 17 Inne funkcje 18 Odprowadzanie skroplin 19 CZ 5 CZYSZCZENIE I KONSERWACJA 21 Czyszczenie filtra powie...

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Страница 10: ...wu 9 Uj cie powietrza 10 Dolny filtr powietrza 11 Dolny wlot powietrza 12 Gniazdo zasilaj ce 13 Klamra na kabel zasilaj cy 14 Otw r kabla zasilaj cego 15 Dolna tacka uj cie odp ywu UWAGA Wszystkie ilu...

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Страница 18: TIMER aby uruchomi program automatycznego w czania naci nij go ponownie w ci gu 5 sekund aby uruchomi program AUTO OFF Naci nij przycisk W G R lub W D aby zmieni czas co 0 5 godziny do 10 godzin a...

Страница 19: ...e to spowodowa uszkodzenie urz dzenia 5 Zarz dzanie energi tylko w wybranych modelach Je eli przez pewien czas temperatura otoczenia jest ni sza od tej ustawionej urz dzenie automatycznie uruchomi fu...

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Страница 21: ...n mi kk szmatk z agodnym detergentem a nast pnie osusz such szmatk 3 PRZECHOWYWANIE URZ DZENIE JE LI NIE JEST U YWANE Opr nij tack na wod zgodnie z instrukcj Uruchom urz dzenie w trybie WENTYLATOR prz...

Страница 22: odniczego Skontaktuj si z serwisem aby sprawdzi urz dzenie i uzupe ni czynnik ch odniczy Ustawiona zbyt wysoka temperatura Zmniejsz temperatur Okna i drzwi w pomieszczeniu s otwarte Upewnij si e w...

Страница 23: ...TURE AUTO COOL DRY HEAT FAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 W baterie Wybierz tryb Ustaw temperatur Naci nij przycisk zasilania Skieruj pilot w stron klimatyzatora Wybierz pr dko wentylatora SPECJALNA NOTATKA Wygl d prz...

Страница 24: ...urz dzenie generuje wykorzystuje i mo e emitowa energi o cz stotliwo ci radiowej a je li nie jest zainstalowane i u ywane zgodnie z instrukcjami mo e powodowa szkodliwe zak cenia w komunikacji radiowe...

Страница 25: ...otwierdzi 4 Przycisk Zmniejsza temperatur co 1 C 1 F Minimalna temperatura wynosi 17 C 60 F 5 Przycisk pr dko ci wentylatora Wybiera pr dko ci wentylatora w nast puj cej kolejno ci AUTO Niska LOW redn...

Страница 26: ...e przez 5 sekund aby zablokowa klawiatur pilota Naci nij ponownie jednocze nie oba przyciski przez 2 sekundy aby j odblokowa 15 Przycisk LED W cza i wy cza wy wietlacz LED jednostki wewn trznej oraz s...

Страница 27: Pr dko wentylatora Wy wietla zadan temperatur pr dko wentylatora lub ustawienie Timera podczas korzystania z funkcji Timer ON OFF Zakres temperatur 17 30 C 62 86 F 20 28 C 68 82 F W zale no ci od m...

Страница 28: ...tycznie wybierze funkcj ch odzenia COOL wentylacji FAN lub ogrzewania HEAT w oparciu o ustawion temperatur 2 W trybie AUTO nie mo na ustawi pr dko ci wentylatora MODE Ustaw dan temperatur W cz klimaty...

Страница 29: ...staw dan temperatur W cz klimatyzator Naci nij przycisk MODE i wybierz tryb grzania HEAT Ustaw pr dko wentylatora W cz klimatyzator Ustaw temperatur 6 3 Tryb grzania HEAT dotyczy wy cznie modeli z wbu...

Страница 30: ...y ON OF F MOD E FA N SH OR T CU T TIM ER ON TIM ER OFF TEM P SLE EP 1sec x10 6 6 Ustawienie programatora czasowego TIMER Nale y ustawi czas po kt rym urz dzenie automatycznie si w czy wy czy Uwaga 1 P...

Страница 31: ...2 5h p niej 15 30 i wy czy si o 18 00 7 JAK KORZYSTA Z FUNKCJI ZAAWANSOWANYCH 7 1 Funkcja wachlowania aluzji SWING Nale y nacisn przycisk Swing 7 2 Wy wietlacz LED Naci nij przycisk LED LED 5s LED Pr...

Страница 32: ...jej anulowanie 2s 7 5 Funkcje skr towe W cz pilota i naci nij ten przycisk a system automatycznie powr ci do poprzednich ustawie w tym trybu pracy ustawienia temperatury poziomu pr dko ci wentylatora...

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Страница 35: ...rosimy kierowa do THERMOSILESIA Sp z o o sp k ul Szyb Walenty 16 41 700 Ruda l ska www thermosilesia pl 12 Gwarancja nie wy cza nie ogranicza ani nie zawiesza uprawnie wynikaj cych z przepis w ustawy...

Страница 36: ...Model klimatyzatora Numer seryjny Piecz i podpis sprzedawcy Piecz i podpis instalatora Data sprzeda y Numer faktury Data monta u Miejsce monta u Piecz i podpis sprzedawcy Akceptuj warunki gwarancji o...

Страница 37: ...Data wykonania Uwagi serwisu Piecz tka serwisu Podpis 1 2 3 4 REJESTR OKRESOWYCH PRZEGL D W KLIMATYZACYJNYCH Data wykonania Uwagi serwisu Piecz tka serwisu Podpis 1 2 3 4 REJESTR NAPRAW...

Страница 38: ...Lp Data wykonania Uwagi serwisu Piecz tka serwisu Podpis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REJESTR OKRESOWYCH PRZEGL D W KLIMATYZACYJNYCH...

Страница 39: ...Lp Data wykonania Uwagi serwisu Piecz tka serwisu Podpis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REJESTR NAPRAW...

Страница 40: ...lation 51 PART 3 OPERATING THE UNIT 53 Touch control panel 53 PART 4 OPERATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 54 Button functions 54 Operations 55 Other features 56 Water drainage 57 PART 5 MAINTENANCE 59 Clean the f...

Страница 41: ...llection you can pass the device without the cost B When you buy a new device the seller will accept the old device without any fees C Manufacturer will take the product from buyer product without cha...

Страница 42: ...the manual before installation using maintenance Do not use means to accelerate the defrosting process or to clean other than those recommended by the manufacturer Do not pierce or bum the appliance T...

Страница 43: ...conditioner in a wet room such as a bathroom or laundry room Too much exposure to water can cause electrical components to short circuit DO NOT install the unit in a location that may be exposed to co...

Страница 44: ...for installation of this unit Do not cover or obstruct the inlet or outlet grilles Do not use this product for functions other than those described in this instruction manual Before cleaning turn off...

Страница 45: flammable atmospheres Ensure that the leak detection equipment being used is suitable for use with flammable refrigerants i e non sparking adequately sealed or intrin sically safe 5 Presence of fir...

Страница 46: ...the level of protection is affected This shall include damage to cables excessive number of connections terminals not made to original specification damage to seals incorrect fitting of glands etc 3...

Страница 47: ...hrow the device together with other household waste 15 Labelling Equipment shall be labelled stating that it has been de commissioned and emptied of refrigerant The label shall be dated and signed Ens...

Страница 48: ...utlet 10 Lower air filter 11 Lower air intake 12 Power plug socket 13 Power cord buckle 14 Power cord outlet 15 Bottom tray drain outlet NOTE All the pictures in the manual are for explanation purpose...

Страница 49: ...prevail The unit can be controlled by the unit control panel alone or with the remote controller This manual does not include Remote Controller Operations see the Remote Control l Illustration packed...

Страница 50: the Exhaust Hose assembly Press the exhaust hose into the window slider adaptor and unit adaptor clamp automatically by elastic buckles of the adaptors 2 STEP TWO Install the Exhaust hose assembly...

Страница 51: ...eal B Adhesive type shorter Foam seal A Adhesive type Window slider A Window slider B if required Foam seal C Non adhesive type Foam seal C Non adhesive type 2 Screws Security Bracket Foam seal B Adhe...

Страница 52: ...l Installation Fig 13 NOTE To ensure proper function DO NOT overextend or bend the hose Make sure that there is no obstacle around the air outlet of the exhaust hose in the range of 500mm in order to...

Страница 53: ...reless light 8 LOW fan speed light 9 MED fan speed light optional 10 HIGH fan speed light 11 AUTO fan speed light optional 12 ION light optional 13 FOLLOW ME light optional Id Element Function 14 LED...

Страница 54: ...ntrol the fan speed Press to select the fan speed in four steps LOW MED optional HIGH and AUTO The fan speed indicator light illuminates under different fan settings except AUTO speed When select AUTO...

Страница 55: ...nication error P1 Bottom tray is full Connect the drain hose and drain the collected water away If protec tion repeats call for service NOTE When one of the above malfunctions occurs turn off the unit...

Страница 56: ...s will initiate the Auto off stop program Press or hold the UP or DOWN button to change the Auto time by 0 5 hour increments up to 10 hours then at 1 hour increments up to 24 hours The control will co...

Страница 57: ...iod of time the unit will be automatically operate power management feature The compressor will stop then the fan motor for some models may stop When the ambient temperature is higher than the setting...

Страница 58: ...installed firmly to prevent leakage When the water level of the bottom tray reaches a predetermined level the unit beeps 8 times the digital display area shows P1 At this time the air conditioning de...

Страница 59: ...grill to prevent blocked airflow due to animal hair Clean the unit using a damp lint free cloth and mild detergent Dry the unit with a dry lint free cloth 3 STORE THE UNIT WHEN NOT IN USE Drain the un...

Страница 60: ...reconnect the hose The unit is low on refrigerant Call a service technician to inspect the unit and top off refrigerant Temperature setting is too high Decrease the set temperature The windows and do...

Страница 61: ...lect temperarute Press power button Point remote toward unit Select fan speed SPECIAL NOTE Button designs on your unit may differ slightly from the example shown If the indoor unit does not have a par...

Страница 62: ...ate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications However there is no guarantee that interference will...

Страница 63: ...K button to confirm 4 TEMP Decreases temperature in 1 C 1 F increments Min temperature is 17 C 60 F 5 FAN SPEED Selects fan speeds in the following order AUTO LOW MED HIGH Note Holding this button dow...

Страница 64: ...s to unlock the keyboard 15 LED Turns indoor unit s LED display and air conditioner buzzer on and off model dependent which create a comfortable and quiet environment 5 REMOTE SCREEN INDICATORS Inform...

Страница 65: ...uto mode Cool mode Dry mode Heat mode Fan mode 3 ECO display some units Displays when ECO feature is activated LOCK display Displays when LOCK feature is activated 5 Fan speed display Niska rednia Aut...

Страница 66: ...utomatically select the COOL FAN or HEAT function based on the set temperature 2 In AUTO mode fan speed can not be set MODE Set your desired temperature Turn on the air conditioner Click MODE button a...

Страница 67: ...Y mode Set your desired temperature Turn on the air conditioner Click MODE button and Select HEAT mode Set the fan speed Turn on the air conditioner Set the temperature MODE 6 5 FAN Mode MODE Select F...

Страница 68: ...E FA N SH OR T CU T TIM ER ON TIM ER OFF TEM P SLE EP 1sec x10 6 6 Setting the TIMER TIMER ON OFF Set the amount of time after which the unit will automatically turn on off NOTE 1 When setting the TIM...

Страница 69: steps the unit will turn on 2 5h later 3 30PM and turn off at 6 00PM 7 HOW TO USE ADVANCED FUNCTIONS 7 1 SWING function Press Swing button The louver will swing up and down automatically when press...

Страница 70: ...will cancel silence function 2s 7 5 SHORTCUT function Push this button when remote controller is on the system will automatically revert back to the previous settings including operating mode setting...

Страница 71: ...o cancel the selected function just perform the same procedures as above Press the SET button to scroll through operation functions as follows Fresh Tryb AP Fresh Fresh function some units When the FR...

Страница 72: ...72 User manual Portable air conditioner ORTA X EN NOTES...

Страница 73: ...NOTES...

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