AY-x55 Family Installation and Programming Manual
buffer, generates a medium length beep and is ready to receive a new
6-digit keypad PIN code.
EP = Even parity for first 12 bits
OP = Odd parity for last 12 bits
A = The first key entered
D = Fourth key entered
B = Second key entered
E = Fifth key entered
C = Third key entered
F = Sixth key entered
Option 7: Single Key, 3x4 Matrix Keypad
This unique mode is intended to let the host controller scan the AY-
x55 keypad while still keeping the proximity card readers Wiegand
26-Bit or Clock & Data formats active.
An optional interface board must be used between the AY-x55 and
the host system. Each key press is immediately sent on DATA0 as an
ASCII character at a baud rate of 9600 bits per second.
When a key is pressed DATA1 is pulled "low" until the key is released
at which point DATA1 is set to "high". This allows the controller to
detect the duration of the key press.
The MD-P64 interface unit outputs the data received to 7 outputs
emulating a keyboard. The interface unit does not affect any data
that it receives from the proximity reader whether it is Wiegand 26-Bit
or Clock & Data.
Key pressed = ASCII Value
0 = '0' ( 0x30 hex )
6 = '6' ( 0x36 hex )
1 = '1' ( 0x31 hex )
7 = '7' ( 0x37 hex )
2 = '2' ( 0x32 hex )
8 = '8' ( 0x38 hex )
3 = '3' ( 0x33 hex )
9 = '9' ( 0x39 hex )
4 = '4' ( 0x34 hex )
= '* ' ( 0x2A hex )
5 = '5' ( 0x35 hex )
# = '#' ( 0x23 hex )