Inputs and Outputs
AC-215 Installation Manual
Single door controller
Door 1 – OUT1A
Double door controller
Door 1 – OUT1A
Door 2 – OUT2A
The output can be activated for a specified time and closes when the timer
This output is activated when a transaction occurs in the readers that are either
associated with auxiliary, or automatically by a time zone. The following should
be defined:
Single door controller
Door 1 – OUT2
The output has two activations modes:
Time – active for a specified time and closes when the timer ends
Toggle – active for every change in the output trigger – the trigger
changes state
This output is usually related to the general input or automatically by a time
The following should be defined:
Single door controller
Door 1 – OUT2A
The output has three activation modes:
Follow input – output follows the input state
Toggle – active for every change in the output trigger – the trigger
changes state
Time – active for a specified time and closes when the timer ends
Card Readers
Two card readers can be connected to the ACU. The following should be
Single door controller
Door 1 – Reader 1 IN/OUT/Auxiliary
Reader 2 IN/OUT/auxiliary
Double door controller
Door 1 – Reader 1 IN/OUT
Door 2 – Reader 2 IN/OUT
The readers can be assigned to a single or double door controller’s door as an
IN or OUT reader and can activate the auxiliary output in a single door
The reader’s tamper connects to the ACU and can generate an alarm. The
reader’s green LED input is activated by the ACU when in the Card and PIN
secure mode to inform the user to enter his personal PIN number after entering
his card.