Inputs and Outputs
AC-215 Installation Manual
Inputs and Outputs
This chapter discusses the AC-215 ACU input and output requirements.
Release to Exit Button (REX)
REX enables quick exit from a premises. The following should be defined:
Single door controller:
Door 1 – IN1
Double door controller:
Door 1 – IN 1
Door 2 – IN 2
Usually the REX input is connected to a push button that is located inside the
premises. The push button opens a door without reading a proximity card or
PIN code.
Generally, the REX is located in a convenient position such as near the
reception area, and is always set as enabled in the AxTrax™ AS-525 software.
Door Monitor
The Door Monitor connects to a door’s micro switch for door status
monitoring. The following should be defined:
Single door controller:
Door 1 – IN1A
Double door controller:
Door 1 – IN 1A
Door 2 – IN 2A
Two alarm states can be generated:
Forced alarm- When the door is forcibly opened by unauthorized persons
Door held open alarm- When the door is open for a period exceeding the
lock strike programmed open time
A Door held open alert can be generated by activating chime on speaker to
remind that the door should be close.
After the ACU enables access, the lock is activated according to its
programmed time until one of the following occurs:
The ACU stops lock activation immediately after the door opens
The ACU waits for the door to close. (This can help to reduce tailgating)
When the door open time period expires the ACU ends lock activation.