9. USB midi port, MMC and MTC
To synchronise a DAW to MTC time code open the nanosyncs HD
midi port in your DAW application software and make the according
settings. Please see also the instructions of your DAW software for
synchronisation to MTC.
The nanosyncs HD has a USB (Universal Serial Bus) port for
bidirectional communications with a host computer.
The nanosyncs HD firmware complies with the
USB Device Class
Definition for MIDI Devices Release 1.0
The LTC to MTC translation is an independent process in the
nanosyncs HD and works within all operation modes.
Current operating systems as Windows XP or Max OSX support the
MIDI device class and can be connected without installation of a
software driver.
When you use the nanosyncs HD as master clock (video reference
set to internal and audio reference set to follow video) you can still
use the LTC to MTC translation.
The nanosyncs HD unit is detected as Standard Audio Device (OSX
shows also the device name as nanosyncs HD).
Example 1:
(1) A professional video machine is genlocked to the nanosyncs HD
video syncs.
Any application which uses MIDI ports can use the nanosyncs HD as
midi in or out port.
(2) A digital audio workstation (DAW) is slaved to the nanosyncs HD
word clocks. The nanosyncs HD audio reference is set to FOLLOW
Connect a LTC time code signal to the time code input (C9). The LTC
level can vary from -40 to +20 dBu.
(3) Your DAW software controls the video machine via 9-pin.
Forward running LTC in the range of +/- 10% of playspeed is
translated into MTC quarter messages.
(4) The LTC output of the video machine is connected to the
nanosyncs HD and sent via USB to the DAW software as MTC.
All LTC formats are automatically detected and the equivalent MTC
format is used.
Example 2:
Time code signals running reverse or slower/ faster than the +/- 10%
range will be translated into MTC Full Messages.
(1) An analog multitrack audio tape recorder with LTC time code
recorded on track 24 feeds LTC to the nanosyncs HD.
MTC Full Messages serve to spot a slaved DAW to the according
time code position whereas MTC quarter messages are used for
synchronisation at play speed.
(2) The nanosyncs HD audio reference is set to LTC.
(3) A digital audio workstation is slaved to the nanosyncs HD word
clocks/ super clocks.
The LTC TO MTC LED (column L14) indicates that LTC time code is
read and sent as MTC to the USB midi port.
(4) The DAW software receives time code from the tape machine
translated to MTC from the nanosyncs HD via USB.
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