Midi Machine Control (MMC) is a midi protocol to remote a video
machine or an audio recorder.
When the nanosyncs HD unit receives an MTC sent from a
application software of the host computer, the LTC Generator will
also be triggered to start generation.
Most DAW software applications are able to send MMC commands.
The nanosyncs HD accepts MMC commands via the USB to control
the integrated LTC time code generator (LTC output on C10).
This means a new detected MTC signal sets the LTC generator to
the corresponding position and starts the generator.
In firmware 1.0 the following MMC commands are implemented:
Your DAW hardware must be slaved to the nanosyncs HD audio
clocks and the nanosyncs HD audio reference must be set to
FOLLOW VIDEO to make sure the DAW audio hardware and the
LTC generator are running at the same speed.
F0 7F 7F 06 01 F7
MMC „stop“
stops the LTC generator
F0 7F 7F 06 02 F7
MMC „play“
starts the LTC time code generator
F0 7F 7F 06 03 F7
MMC „deferred play“
starts the time code generater after active
MCP (locate)
F0 7F 7F 06 44 06 01 hr
mn sc fr ff F7
MMC „locate“
sets generator to time code position
sets the LTC format
The MMC/MTC to LTC LED (column L14) indicates LTC generation.
(1) A digital audio workstation (DAW) is slaved to the nanosyncs HD
word clocks. The nanosyncs HD audio reference is set to FOLLOW
VIDEO. The nanosyncs HD is used as a studio master clock.
Note: When receiving MMC commands the internal time code
generator is referenced from the SD and HD video generators. When
a frame rate matches the time code standard, the LTC will also be
phase locked to the video generator.
(2) An audio mixing console requires LTC time code for its
The DAW sends MTC to the nanosyncs HD and the LTC generator
output feeds the audio mixing console.
For locked LTC generation from a DAW the audio reference must be
set to FOLLOW VIDEO and the DAW audio hardware must be slaved
to the nanosyncs HD word clocks.
10. Configuration Protection
To avoid unwanted changes in the nanosyncs HD setup (by
interested visitors for example) it is possible to protect the
A free nanosyncs HD utility software (coming soon) will also allow to
set and start the LTC generator via MMC for using the nanosyncs HD
as a time of day LTC master generator.
In the protected mode all keys are disabled.
LED CONFIG.PROTECT (L14) indicates active protection mode.
Note: 29.97 non drop frame rate is not defined in the MIDI protocol.
The nanosyncs HD generates
29.97 non drop
rates when receiving
the 30 non drop format via MIDI and the SD generator is set to
NTSC. When set to PAL standard 30 fps non drop LTC is output.
To enable or disable protection mode hold both MENU keys (S2) +
(S3) down for about 6 seconds.
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