UltraMatrix AV Installation and Operations Manual
On the right side of the RoseControl switching matrix there are up to 50 macro tabs that are used to save and play back
macros. These macros store a set sequence of routes.
To record a macro:
1. Click on the Record button. A blinking “recording” message below this button will be displayed to indicate that all
routes are being recorded.
2. Select the desired cross points. There is no limit on the number of routes you may record.
3. If you click a macro button while in the record mode, the macro will be executed, and these routes will be added
to the recording. This makes it possible to combine the routes of two or more macros into one bigger macro.
When finished, click the “Save Macro” button. You will be instructed to then click on one of the macro buttons.
Doing this will save the recorded routes to that button.
To cancel saving the macro, click the “Cancel Save” button.
5. To play back a macro, simply click on one of the 50 macro buttons. Use the scrollbar to bring any of these into
6. The macros are automatically saved in the current configuration file. They are also saved when you select the
File/Save Configuration... menu.
NOTE: A macro is temporarily saved in the macro tabs (1-50) for the current session. If power is cycled or removed, all
macro settings are lost. To permently save the macro and session settings, click on “File” and choose “Save
Configuration” or “Save Configuration As” and save the session and all macro information to a file on the controlling
Switching using serial commands
The UltraMatrix AV DVI can be instructed to switch any video input port to any video output port by sending a serial
command to the RS232 port.
To control the switching functions using an RS-232 connection, use a male-to-female serial cable to connect a
computer’s COM port to the UltraMatrix AV DVI’s RS-232 port. Use HyperTerminal to create a terminal connection to the
unit. Set-up HyperTerminal with the standard communication mode of 9600bps, 8, N, 1.
(NOTE: When sending serial commands to the unit, all commands must be uppercase)
To modify the crosspoints (input/output port mapping), use the command format “//FxxMxxIxx”
(Fxx is the frame number (01), Mxx is the output monitor number, and Ixx is the Input number.)
EXAMPLE: to map Input 01 to Monitor 01 on Switch 01, send “//F01M01I01 [ENTER]”
EXAMPLE: to map Input 12 to Monitor 09 on Switch 01, send “//F01M09I12 [ENTER]”
To toggle the hotplug pin (used to wake the display from standby), use the command format “//FxxHxxIxx” •
EXAMPLE: to toggle the hotplug pin for Input 01, Monitor 01 on Switch 01, send “//F01H01I01 [ENTER]”
EXAMPLE: to toggle the hotplug pin for Input 12, Monitor 09 on Switch 04, send “//F04H09I12 [ENTER]”
To display the current crosspoint status, send “//FxxU [ENTER]”
To reboot the unit, send “//BOOT [ENTER]”
To display the current firmware version number, send “//XXXX [ENTER]”
To reset the unit to factory defaults, send “//RESET [ENTER]”
NOTE: The UNIT must be power cycled to complete the reset command)