UltraMatrix AV Installation and Operations Manual
Operating UltraMatrix AV DVI
Operating the UltraMatrix AV DVI is performed from a standalone computer or laptop connected via a serial cable to the
unit’s RS232 port. RoseControl software is used for all video source selection and destination routing. Inputs are listed
vertically and outputs horizontally. Routing a video source to a destination monitor is performed by clicking on the input /
output cross-point. You can also route a video source to a destination by first clicking on the output numbered tab
across the top of the matrix, then click on an input numbered tab on the left side of the matrix. Input and output names
can be changed by highlighting the name and entering the new name. A video source can be routed to one, two or all
outputs, but an output can only be connected to a single input.
Figure 4. Operating the RoseControl Matrix
Multiple adjacent output selection Multiple non-adjacent output selection
To select multiple outputs that are next to each
other, click on one output, then hold down the shift
key and select the last output. The output range
will be selected as shown above. Next click on the
input to route to all the selected outputs.
To select multiple outputs, hold down the control key
and select the needed outputs. The selected outputs
will all be selected. Next click on the input to route to
the selected outputs.
To route a single input to all outputs, hold down the control key and click on the input tab number.