Before using the machine
Battery plug coding
Plug case of charger units :
Grey for fluid-filled batteries, Green for maintenance-free Gel batteries
Plug case of machine :
Yellow for both battery types
Socket case of battery: Grey for fluid-filled batteries :
Green for maintenance-free
36 V
24 V
80 V
24 V
N o m i n a l p l u g vo l ta ge i s
indicated on each side of the
hexagon (letters upside down)
I n d i c a t i o n f o r
n o m i n a l s o c ke t
voltage accordingly
Replace the coding plugs by pressing the ends together
with pliers.
All battery plugs at machines, batteries and battery charger units have to be
coded with the colored coding pins according to the battery type and the
charger unit plugs are/will be seteristic curve such that a modification of the
curve (in relation to the battery type) requires changing of the plug coding
nominal voltage.
Press together for removal
Insert coding plug such that the nominal voltage inscription is visible through
the case window. Socket and plug only with the same nominal voltage.
The following three conditions have to be met:
1) Voltage coding must be the same for all sockets and plugs.
2) Coding pin colour in the machine = yellow
3) Coding pin colour in the charger unit = the same as for the battery plug
according to battery type.
Open the seat console of the machine
before performing charging operations.
Before first operation of the machine, fully charge the battery with an
initial charging procedure and comply with the operating instructions
of the charger as well as with those of the battery manufacturer.
Roots cannot be held liable for damages resulting from the fact that
the initial charging has not or insufficiently been done.
Coding system in the charger unit for fluid-filled batteries
Example 24V Battery System
RootsScrub RB 800/950