12.1 Machine Opera on:
It is the operator’s responsibility to be knowledgeable of all poten al
opera ng hazards and to take every reasonable precau on to ensure oneself,
others, animals, and property are not injured or damaged by the machine
This sec on of the Operator’s Manual is designed to familiarize, instruct, and
educate safe and proper machine use to the operator. The operator must be
familiar with the machine opera on and all associated safety prac ces before
opera ng.
Proper opera on of the machine, as detailed in this manual, will help ensure
years of safe and sa sfactory use of the machine.
the safety messages. Serious injury or death may occur unless care is
taken to follow the warnings and instruc ons stated in the safety messages.
Always use good common sense to avoid hazards.
Do not operate a damaged or
malfunc oning machine. Risk of
equipment failure or cause of injury or
death or damage to property.
Only qualified people are allowed to operate the machine. A qualified
operator has read and understood the owner’s manual and should comply
with its procedures. If any part of the opera on and safe use of this equipment
is not completely understood, consult an authorized dealer for a complete
explana on.
12.1.1 Operator Requirements:
a. Train the employee to operate the machine in a safe way.
B. Permit only qualified personnel to operate and service the machine.
c. Instruct all operators to maintain the shields and guards in its proper
working condi on at all mes.
d. Ensure that the operators use approved Personal Protec ve Equipment at
all mes or whenever required.
e. Forbid the operators to carry addi onal people on the truck or the machine.
f. Ensure that nobody including the operator modifies or alters the machine or
any of its func on, doing so may cause fatal injury or death or it may damage
the machine itself.
g. Ensure that children do not operate the machine.
12.1.2 Employer Responsibili es:
12.1.3 Before Star ng The Machine:
Before opera ng the machine, ensure that the equipment is working properly
and that you are prepared for vacuuming opera ons by checking the Pre-
opera ve checklist and tes ng the machine opera ons.
If the operator cannot read the manuals for themselves or does
not completely understand the opera on of the equipment, it is
the responsibility of the supervisor to read and explain the
manuals, safety prac ces, and opera ng instruc ons to the operator.
RootsScrub RB 800/950