Listening To Demo Songs
Simultaneously press the [RHYTHM/SONG] button and the
Play / Stop Button.
The VR-700 will enter Demo mode, and the screen will display “
The favorite [1]-[3] buttons will blink.
NOTE: In Demo mode, you can’t edit the organ, choose ensemble sounds, or perform using
the keyboard.
The blinking FAVORITE [1] –[3] buttons correspond to the three demo songs. When you
press on one of the buttons, the corresponding demo songs will begin playing.
When the demo song has finished playing, the next demo song will play.
To stop the demo song playback, press the
(Play/Stop) button.
To exit Demo mode, press the [DISPLAY/EXIT] button located under the display window.
Demo song #1 is hard driving rock tune that shows off the distortion amp models and the Active Amp Enhancer. It also begins with the Ring
Modulator triggered by the D beam. It transitions into a driving organ and then finishes by going into a heavily distorted organ.
Demo Song #2 is a Gospel styled song that showcases organ key click, acoustic piano and goes into an R&B groove in which the organ uses leakage
and rotary speaker simulation.
Demo song #3 is a pop-based groove that begins with a multi-sampled grand piano, along with other tones from the ensemble section, such as synth
lead, which is layered with the organ. Electric piano is also featured in the demo as well.
Choose Ensemble sounds directly by first selecting the ensemble group, then use the (-) or (+) buttons to scroll through the different variations.
Here are a few recommended ensemble sounds to check out:
Piano Group #1 Superior Grand
E. Piano Group #2 Stage Phazer
E. Piano Group #9 WahWah Clav
Strings Group #1 VR Strings
Choir/Scat Group #2 Jazz Scat
Brass Group #5 Jump For KY
Bass Group #4 101 Bass
Other Group #6 VR Pop Kit
The FAVORITE section allows you to save and recall your favorite sounds and setups instantly. Select Bank 1 and choose from the pre-loaded
favorites below:
Rock – Organ with overdrive.
Jazz – Percussive organ sound. You can also play bass with your left hand.
Funk – Organ with sharp metallic overtones.
Gospel – Bright and powerful organ. (The keyboard is split to simulate a dual-manual set-up.)
Acoustic Piano – Play from soft to hard with this very expressive piano.
Electric Piano – A popular electric piano sound with tremolo.
Synth Lead – A powerful synth lead that cuts through the mix.
Combination – The keyboard is split so you can combine sounds like a piano in the lower register and layer an organ with a synth pad .
Playing Internal Rhythms
1. Press the PLAYER [RHYTHM/SONG] button.
2. Use the [+] button or [-] button to select the rhythm that you want to play.
3. Press the
(Play/Stop) button; the rhythm will play.
4. To stop, press the
(Play/Stop) button once again.
5. To stop rhythm playback and return to the previous display, press the [DISPLAY/EXIT] button located under the
display window.
Here are a few recommended rhythm patterns:
r.05: Grooving eight-beat funk
r.13: Powerful rock pattern
r.25: Jazz swing played with brushes
r.33: Afro-Cuban style, popular in jazz
r.39: Lively Latin Pop
V-Combo VR-700
Stuff To Show