The KiwiTechnics JX-8P Upgrade has
a built in Arpeggiator that can be
applied to any sound.
Arpeggiator Mode is started and
stopped by pressing the ARP Button.
The indicator will light when the ARP
is playing.
Note – The Arp settings are saved
with the Tone. i.e. if the Arp is on
when the Tone is saved it will be on
when the Tone is loaded
The clock for the Arpeggiator is
always the Master Clock and this can
be divided using Patch Parameter
437 Edit or the front panel button ARP
STEP TIMING. There are 13 different
ratios including swing options. The
Arp Clock Source parameter is
located under G4B3T7 or by using
the ARP STEP TIMING button and the
The behavior or the Arpeggiator can
be set using the ARP MODE &
MODE will set the style and will cycle
through UP only, DOWN only, UP &
The OCTAVE RANGE button will
cycle through the range which can be
1, 2, 3 or 4 octaves. These are saved
with the Tone.
Note - If the Arpeggiator clock source
is set to the Midi Clock the Arp will
not play if the clock is not present.
Canceling Arpeggiator Mode
Arpeggiator mode can be stopped by
pressing the ARP button. The light on
the ARP button will go out.
Note - If the Arpeggiator notes held
are spread over more than 1 octave
and more than one octave is selected
in the Arp Range the notes played will
be as follows. All the first octave notes
held will play followed by the same
pattern moved up one, two or three
octaves. The result of this will be the
first note of the second pass can be
lower than the last note of the first
pass. This can sound odd if you have
selected one direction for the Arp
If the Arp is on ('light showing on the
ARP button) when a Tone is saved the
Arp will be switched on when the Tone
is loaded. If the Arp is off when a Tone
is saved the Arp state will be unaltered
when that Tone is loaded.
JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130