Remove front chain guard and front chain. Use a 1/2-inch wrench or socket to
remove chain guard. Then fi nd master link and loosen chain. Remove master
link. Take chain off.
Remove headlight. Using 1/2 - inch wrench loosen and remove nut that attaches
light to fender. Unplug power lead and disconnect ground that is attached at miter
box mounting bolt. Set aside.
Remove brake caliper and disc. Using 1/2 - inch wrench and socket remove both
bolts that hold caliper in place. Remove caliper and replace bolt and nuts to keep
pucks in place and let caliper hang off the side of the bike and remove brake disc.
Remove miter box. At this point you should have removed the bolt on the left
side of the bike (this attached ground for headlight). Remove the left bolt and
pull miter box straight out (the universal joint will come with the miter box).
Replace broken or worn parts as needed including universal joint, gears or seals.
After repairs are made and with the universal joint in place, slide miter box
(gently) into place. You will feel it hit the drive shaft. Slide your index and middle
fi ngers of your right hand between the fork and where the universal joint is
located. Pinch the universal joint with these two fi ngers. Slide the brake disc into
place and use this to spin miter box. As you are spinning miter box, you should
feel it locate itself on the woodruff key as it catches back into place. To make
sure the universal joint is located properly, lock the rear brake and spin disc
counter clockwise. If the disc doesn’t spin, it has been installed properly. If the
miter box does spin, remove and check to see if woodruff key is in place. If it has
slipped out, you can retrieve the key by tilting the bike up on its nose and it will
fall out. Replace the key by means of long needle nose pliers or your fi nger and
repeat the procedure.
When you have the miter box installed properly, reverse procedure 1-5.
Section 7
Repair Procedures
ROKON INTERNATIONAL, 50 Railroad Ave., Rochester, New Hampshire 03839, U.S.A
Copyright 2002-7