Rokola Music
Modernization of jukeboxes
J u k e b o x D i g i t a l R K 4
Venezuela-Puerto Cabello Cell phone: +58 414-3453712 Email:
1.4 - Random Play or Reset (Random / Reset)
By means of this function, all the songs present in the pendrive are played at random,
including those that are not shown in the Jukebox SongBoard, when selecting this function again,
the function is canceled.
In case there is a song list of the Songboard to play, the random function is not executed.
1.5 - Random by Album
The type of music selected on the pendrive sounds randomly, if it is selected a second
time, select the second album, it only works if there are no selected songs in the billboard mode
(Songboard selection). Music albums can be combined with each other.
The albums of songs are classified into two groups, ALB1-ALB15 operates with the first
touch of the key, ALBt1-ALBt15 operates with the second touch. The third touch cancels the
1.6 - Tumble
Cancels the song that is playing and moves on to the next one. In case there is no song
sounding it shows the
Coin Counter
(only in commercial mode). In the
Programming Mode
, it is
used to exit the function. It must be programmed in the “Setting” window of RK4
1.7 - Volume Up ()
Turn up the volume of the Jukebox in 100 steps. In Programming Mode the position of the
file is increased.
It must be programmed in the configuration window of RK4.
1.8 - Volume Down (Volume -)
Lower the volume of the Jukebox in 100 steps. In Programming Mode, the position of the
file is decremented. It must be programmed in the configuration window of RK4
1.9 - Password
To enter this function it is done from the Programming Mode
( Volume Up)
the number
is entered.
The password must be three digits except "000" which is used to cancel the password.
By means of this function a Password is assigned to the Jukebox in such a way that the
Jukebox will sound only once the system is initialized and that Password is entered.