Rokola Music
Modernization of jukeboxes
J u k e b o x D i g i t a l R K 4
Venezuela-Puerto Cabello Cell: +58 414-3453712 E-mail:
Puerto Cabello, May 2019
T e c h n i c a l a n d U s e r M a n u a l
Model Minibox GP-4G
Year 1964
(93x76x50) cm
Rowe AMI
Model JBM 200
“Tropicana” Year 1964
(138x86x72) cm
Model 100-78D “Celestia”
Year 1979
(136x80x60) cm
Model 2300S
Year 1952
(129x85x71) cm
Rowe AMI
Model CMM-1
“Cadette” Year 1967
(122x82x59) cm
(Height x Width x Depth)
Modernized equipment
F i r s t E d i t i o n
(English Version)
Printed in Venezuela by Rokola Music
File: Jukebox RK4EN.doc
Made by: José Luís Oliveira
Electronic Engineer, IUPFAN 1981
CIV: 31.980
: oliveira71059.gmail.com
MODERNIZED MODEL: ________________________________
Cell: +58-414-3453712
SERIA MODEL: ___________________________________
Copyright Rokola Music 2005-2019
Jukebox Digital RK4
Digital MP3 player system for modernizing Jukeboxes
(can include more than 9,000 song files)
“My sincere apologies for the spelling and
editorial errors made in this manual, the translation was
done with the help of Google and my limited knowledge
of English. Any comments will be very well received”.