FI8918/FI8918W User Manual
Figure 2.2
Basic Properties
There are some devices’ information in the Basic Properties, such as
Device ID, System
Firmware Version,
Web UI Version.
(Figure 2.3)
If there are several cameras on the list, you can choose basic properties to check the device ID
and recognize the IP address belong to which camera you set up, such as Device ID is
00606E8C5058, you can find the same MAC ID sticker at the bottom/back of the camera.
Each camera has its only MAC ID. Sometimes, if you couldn’t find the camera’s IP on the IP
Camera Tool. May be the firewall block it, you can add this MAC ID to your router and give it a
fixed IP or add the MAC ID as a trusted site. There are two MAC addresses, one is Wired MAC
and the other is WIFI MAC.
Figure 2.3
Network Configuration
In this page, you can configure the Network parameters.
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