GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 38
Channel base power
, all source port powers are set to the channel base power
. For power sweeps, P
corresponds to the unmodified sweep range. For frequency,
time, and CW mode sweeps, it is equal to the fixed "Power". f
is defined by the "Stim-
ulus" parameters (see
Chapter 5.8, "Stimulus Softtool"
Non-editable table columns
In addition to the test ports ("Port"), the source ports include all configured external
generators ("Gen"). Each port is displayed with its port number, device type ("Info"),
and "Power Result", according to the current channel base power and "Power Conver-
sion" settings.
Power Conversion
Opens an input box to define a port-specific source power range (for power sweeps) or
fixed power (for frequency, time and CW Mode sweeps); see
In the default configuration the channel base power P
is used. The result is displayed
in the "Power Result" column.
Defines a linear factor to modify the port-specific source power as a function of the
stimulus frequency. The "Slope" is added to the power conversion; it increases the
power at each sweep point by the following amount: <Power Result> --> <Power
Result> + <Slope> * f, where f denotes the port frequency.
Remote command:
Modify Cal Power Dialog
The "Modify Cal Power" dialog defines port-specfic source powers. The general pur-
pose of the port power settings is to ensure a definite signal power at the input of the
DUT, considering all possible sources of power variations in the test setup.
> "Arbitrary Power" > "Power Conversion" > "..."
Channel Config Softtool