Required Equipment
Software Utility
Getting Started 1331.3069.02 ─ 03
Required Equipment
The Leveling Tool is suitable for test systems consisting of a vector network analyzer
ZVA (including R&S
ZVA110), orR&S
ZVT, in combination with one or
more frequency converters R&S
ZCxxx or R&S
Vector Network Analyzers R&S
Up to n converters can be operated with an n-port instrument. However, with n con-
verter ports, the LO signal for the converters must be provided either by the optional
LO Out of the R&S
ZNA-B8) or by an external signal generator (see refer-
ence [
Chapter 10, "Additional Information"
Supported firmware versions
The present version of the Leveling Tool requires a R&S
ZNA with firmware version
1.90 or higher.
Free firmware updates are available for download on the R&S
ZNA product pages
). Refer to the instrument's help system or
user manual for installation instructions.
Required Options
For two-port instruments, which can only have one internal source, the LO signal
for the converters must be provided via R&S
ZNA-B8 or an external generator. If
ZNA-B8 is used, then option R&S
ZNA-B26 is also required.
Option R&S
ZNA-B26 "Direct IF Access" or R&S
ZNAxx-B16, "Direct Generator/
Receiver Access" to connect the Meas and Ref ports of the converters.
Option R&S
ZNA-K8, "Converter Control".
Vector Network Analyzers R&S
ZVA and R&S
To drive one or more frequency converters, the R&S
ZVA or R&S
ZVT VNA must have
a maximum frequency
20 GHz.
The four-port instruments R&S
ZVA24/40/50/67 or an R&S
ZVT20 with a minimum of
four ports provide the full functionality. It is also possible to operate the frequency con-
verters with R&S
ZVA24, R&S
ZVA40, or R&S
ZVA50 two-port instruments, but this
requires an additional external signal generator (see reference [1] in
For R&S
ZVA67 and other analyzers equipped with the latest synthesizer board Sy4G,
each test port is driven by its own, independent source. R&S
ZVA67 two-port instru-
ments may be operated either with a single frequency converter or with two frequency
Vector Network Analyzers R&S
ZVA and R&S