Instrument tour
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Instrument tour
The R&S
QAR50 is a millimeter wave imaging system operating in the frequency band
of automotive radar sensors. With its support of spatially resolved reflection and trans-
mission loss measurements, the R&S
QAR50 provides an intuitive and powerful way to
evaluate how radomes and bumpers influence the radar performance.
The R&S
QAR50 contains the measuring electronics like transmitting and receiving
antennas and a PC with dedicated software to operate and control the measurements.
The meanings of the labels on the product are described in
Additional equipment required to run measurements
(Touchscreen) monitor
Instrument variants
The R&S
QAR50 is available in two variants.
Variant 02: The antennas on the antenna clusters have a vertical polarization.
Variant 03: The antennas on the antenna clusters have a horizontal polarization.
System overview
The visible part of the R&S
QAR50 system consists of several elements that you can
either interact with or that are required for measurement applications.
System overview