User Manual 5601.8919.02 ─ 03
Figure 8-2: Example of parallel connection
Principles of operation in parallel mode
Generally, a higher current will first be supplied from the channel with the higher output
voltage. Once this channel reaches its power limit, the remaining current will be made
available by the channel that is connected in parallel. In this scenario, it is unpredicta-
ble which channel will supply the higher current because it is also possible for channels
with identical voltage values to display a low voltage difference.
By increasing the voltage slightly, the load distribution can be manipulated. If the volt-
age for a channel is to be increased by 50mV, for instance (by a set of identical
cables), the current will initially be provided by this channel.
If you wish to distribute the load to multiple channels, it is recommended to set the cur-
rent limit of the channel that is to supply the main current to a fraction of the current.
This approach handles the semiconductor with care and improves the heat dissipation,
as the power loss is distributed more evenly.
Parallel and Series Mode