Numeric Measurement Modes
User Manual 1178.6227.02 ─ 06
CRS/CLR Carr (Autotune function)
Defines whether the course and clearance carriers are determined automatically or
Specify the frequencies manually as offsets to either direction of the
nominal frequency, see
Both carriers are determined automatically at the beginning of the
measurement. Automatic mode is indicated by "Autotune" in the mea-
surement settings area, followed by the current processing status,
For all carrier measurements (not the wideband measurement), the
autotune function is enabled by default (see
Adapting the frequency in autotune mode.
The autotune function sets the measurement filter position such that the detected fre-
quency is in the center of the filter bandwidth. While the frequency is locked, the filter
position remains unchanged. If the bandwidth is narrow and the signal frequency
changes, e.g. due to changes of the transmitter, the signal may no longer be covered
completely by the measurement filter. In this case, the measurement results are distor-
ted. If you assume the ILS signal frequency might have changed, we recommend per-
forming a new search using the
Remote command:
Defines the course carrier as a frequency offset from the nominal frequency.
Remote command:
Defines the clearance carrier as a frequency offset from the nominal frequency in the
opposite direction to the course carrier.
Remote command:
1F Offset
For single frequency measurements only:
Defines an offset of the measured frequency to the nominal frequency.
Remote command:
Find Carrier
For manual carrier determination (
CRS/CLR Carr (Autotune function)
ILS Localizer and ILS Glidepath (GP) Modes