For 2 – 7 man Mod Sled setups skip steps 1 & 2
Lay Mod Sled Runner on its side. Line up holes from
the Outrigger with holes on the runner and use (2)
5/8” x 6” bolts and (2) 5/8” washers to hold it in place.
Then flip runner right side up so outrigger also lays
on the ground. Push bolts the rest of the way
Fit second outrigger over the bolts and secure with
(2) more 5/8” washers and (2) 5/8” nuts.
The Mod Ram Unit comes with (3) nuts on the
threaded rod at the end of the spring. Remove (2)
nuts to use later. Install the Mod Ram Unit by
inserting it spring side first into the Ram Outer Tube.
The threaded rod on the end of the spring fits through
a hole at the back of the head unit. A screwdriver
can be used to guide the threaded rod through the
hole. Use the nuts you removed earlier to secure the
ram in place.
Use a fas-pin to fasten pad to the ram unit.
Two Nuts
One Nut