PR102DR Installation Guide Rev.E.doc
4.2.1 Simplified Memory Reset Procedure (firmware 1.18.6 or newer)
Simplified Memory Reset restores default settings with controller address ID=00.
Remove connections to CLK and IN1 terminals
Connect CLK with IN1
Restart the controller (press RESET button or switch power supply off/on) - LED OPEN shall
start to pulsate
Disconnect CLK and IN1
After a few seconds the controller shall restart automatically and switch to normal mode
4.2.2 Simplified Memory Reset Procedure (firmware older than 1.18.6)
Simplified Memory Reset restores default settings with controller address ID=00 and enables
programming of new MASTER card. This procedure requires connection of any PRT series reader.
Remove connections to CLK and DTA terminals
Connect CLK with DTA
Restart the controller (press RESET button or switch power supply off/on) - LED OPEN shall
start to pulsate
Disconnect CLK and DTA
Connect PRT series reader to CLK and DTA lines (without switching power supply off) and take
further steps by means of this reader.
Read any card at the reader, this will be a new MASTER card
After a few seconds the controller shall restart automatically and switch to normal mode
4.2.3 Full Memory Reset procedure
Full Memory Reset restores default settings and enables programming of new MASTER card,
MASTER PIN and controller ID address. This procedure requires connection of PRT series reader
with keypad (e.g. PRT12LT).
Remove connections to CLK and DTA terminals
Connect CLK with DTA
Restart the controller (press RESET button or switch power supply off/on) - LED OPEN shall
start to pulsate
Disconnect CLK and DTA
Connect PRT series reader with keypad (e.g. PRT12LT) to CLK and DTA lines (without switching
power supply off) and take further steps by means of this reader
Enter new MASTER PIN (3 to 6 digits) followed with the [#] key or skip this step and press only
the [#] key
Read any card at the reader, this will be a new MASTER card or skip this step and press only
the [#] key
Enter two digits (in range of 00 to 99) by means of keypad, this will be new ID address or skip
this step and press only the [#] key so the default ID=00 could be assigned
After a few seconds the controller shall restart automatically and switch to normal mode
After Memory Reset controller resumes its work with default factory settings and configured
address. You can then test its operation using MASTER card or PIN (if available). Using the MASTER
card/PIN once activates the REL1 output for 4 seconds (LED OPEN ). Using the MASTER card/PIN
twice switches the IO1 output to the opposite state and switches Arm/Disarm Mode (LED STATUS
changes its colour).
4.3 Controller programming
Controllers can be configured by means of:
PR Master software installed on computer connected to the controller via communication
interface (e.g. UT-2USB, UT-4DR) or via CPR32-NET network controller.
Commands entered with keypad of PRT series reader connected to the controller (limited
settings only)