Place the router on the template, with the guide bushing
in the next hole you intend to rout.
Follow the process detailed in Steps 4-8 until you have
routed all holes you want with the template in this location.
Again, remember to vacuum out any dust buildup between
every deepening pass with the router.
Continue to shift the template upward, securing it as
described in Steps 11 and 12 at each location, until you
have completed routing the dog holes along that edge
of the worktop.
Move the two edge-registration pins from the side of
the template to the two holes along the bottom edge
of the template.
Reposition the template so that the edge-registration
pins are tight against the bottom edge of the worktop,
and slide it until the left column of two holes in the
template is centered on the rightmost set of dog
holes you initially routed.
Press two indexing dog pins tightly into the overlapping
holes to perfectly position the template, and then secure
the template further with clamps.
Fig. 3.
Remove all edge-registration pins from the template.
Position the template in the interior of the worktop so at least
three of its holes overlap three holes you’ve already routed
in the worktop.
Follow the same process you did when routing the dog
holes along the left edge of your worktop to rout holes
along the bottom edge, shifting the template as you go
and vacuuming out debris between deepening passes.
Then Rout the Interior of the Worktop
Because it’s not possible to clamp the template when
routing holes in the interior of the worktop, you
secure the template to the worktop with three indexing
dog pins pressed fully through the template and into dog
holes already routed.
Fig. 3
Edge-registration pins
Indexing dog pin
Route holes
outline in red