Rockford Systems, LLC
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SSC-1500 Gen II Part-Revolution Solid-State Control
(Continued on next page.)
The SSC-1500 Gen II press brake control has an angle settings screen that is used to program the single stroke top stop, sequence stop top stop,
sequence stop, speed change on, speed change off, automatic up (holding), and light curtain mute angles.
The single stroke top-stop angle is the angle at which the control gives the signal to stop the machine at TDC (top dead center) while in the Single
Stroke mode of operation. In most cases, you will need to adjust this setting, since the factory default of 330° may stop your machine beyond TDC.
A good angle to start with is 270°. If the machine stops before TDC, a higher single stroke top-stop setting is required. Add the number of degrees
the machine stopped short of TDC to the single stroke top-stop setting. If the machine stops beyond TDC, a lower single stroke top-stop setting is
required. Subtract the number of degrees the machine went over TDC from the single stroke top-stop setting.
If your press brake has a variable-speed drive or a mechanical feature for changing speed, this setting may need to be adjusted if you change the speed.
The sequence stop top-stop angle is the angle at which the control gives the signal to stop the machine at TDC while in the Sequence Stop mode of
operation. In most cases, you will need to adjust this setting, since the factory default of 330° may stop your machine beyond TDC. A good angle to
start with is 270°. If the machine stops before TDC, a higher sequence stop top-stop setting is required. If the machine stops beyond TDC, a lower
sequence stop top-stop setting is required. Subtract the number of degrees the machine went over TDC from the sequence stop top-stop setting.
If your press brake has a variable-speed drive or a mechanical feature for changing speed, this setting may need to be adjusted if you change the speed.
The sequence stop angle is the angle at which the control gives the signal to stop on the downstroke while in the Sequence Stop mode of operation.
This is usually programmed so that the slide stops at
” above the workpiece.
If your press brake has a variable-speed drive or a mechanical feature for changing speed, this setting may need to be adjusted if you change the speed.
Note: The sequence stop angle must be less than the light curtain mute angle.
The speed change on angle is the angle at which the control gives the signal to switch from high to low speed when the speed selector switch
is set to HIGH/LOW, while in any mode of operation. It is usually programmed so that the slide changes to low speed at
” above the workpiece.
Note: The speed change feature only applies to two-speed air-clutch press brakes. See pages 55 and 58 for information on programming the
speed-change solenoid valve.
The speed change off angle is the angle at which the control gives the signal to switch from low speed back to high speed when the speed selector
switch is set to HIGH/LOW, while in any mode of operation. It is usually programmed so that the slide changes back to high speed at the bottom
of the stroke or slightly after.
Note: The speed change feature only applies to two-speed air-clutch press brakes. See pages 55 and 58 for information on programming the
speed-change solenoid valve.