Hardware Manual.
RB-1 Modular Mobile Manipulator
The omni wheels gives stability to the platform and permits the turning
around the center of the robot.
2.2.2 Motor Driver
The motor drivers are two DZCANTE 020L080 with a connection board
on top.
Figure 5 – Motor Driver
The drivers are programmed at Robotnik with specific a settings for
each motor. The serial identifier is the default one (63), but each driver has its
own CAN bus identifier (1 and 2). DO NOT change them from one motor to
There are several analog and digital input/outputs available in each
driver, check driver datasheet for more information.
2.2.3 Electrical components DC-DC
There is a 150W 12V DC/DC in the electronic box to provide a stable
power supply for the electronic elements, for example the computer.
Figure 6- 12V DC/DC
There is a 150W 24V DC/DC in the torso to provide a stable power
supply for the dynamixel motors and the arm.
Figure 7- 24V DC/DC