Hardware Manual.
RB-1 Modular Mobile Manipulator
1 Introduction
This Manual describes the main parts of the RB-1 modular mobile
manipulator, as well as how to access to the internal components.
Every main piece includes a little description, emphasizing the elements
that need a special periodical control and maintenance.
Also is inclueded how every compoennt is connected with a diagram.
Finally, a maintenance table and the basic drawings of the vehicle has
been included.
2 Robot description
2.1 General overview
The next pictures shows the front view of the robot with the location of
the main parts.
Figure 1 – Front view of RB-1 robot
Pan-Tilt Head:
The head has a Pan tilt movement provided by two
dynamixel pro motors. It include one Orbbec camera. Inside the head is
installed the microphone and the speaker.
The torso of the robot has elevation movement. It has a range of
400 mm. The movement is provided by one dynamixel pro motor.