Manual Robin Compact SIP ENG - v. 3.0.1 System / Clock
You can change all the date and time settings for the Robin SIP here.
Date and time:
Current time
NTP server address
NTP status
Set time
Select the right time zone here.
Displays the current date and time settings.
Allows you to choose between manual or automatic
(NTP) time setting.
Enter the address or name of the time server here.
Indicates the status of the selected time server.
Enter the date and time here (manual setting).
! Note: The Robin SIP does not have a build-in backup battery. Every time the Robin SIP reboots
both the date and time need to be set. By default it will use a NTP server to set the date and time.
In case of a ‘manual’ setting, this has to be done by hand after every reboot. !