Manual Robin SV ENG - v. 3.1.0
Windows users:
Copy the ‘Robin Discovery Utility’ software to a PC that is connected to the network. Start the
‘Robin Discovery Utility’ software and click the “Play” button. The software will start a scan for
Robin devices in the network. When a Robin SV is detected, it is displayed in the list. Double-click
on the Robin SV you would like to configure; the web interface for the selected Robin SV will show.
Apple Macintosh users:
To detect and access the Robin SV on a Mac, use the Internet browser, ‘Safari’. In the ‘bookmark
overview’ of Safari (option-command-B), you will see the ‘Bonjour’ section in the left-hand column.
It will display all the devices detected in your LAN network on the right-hand side of your window,
including the Robin SV. Double-click on the Robin SV you would like to configure; the web interface
for the selected Robin SV is displayed now.
Linux users:
Enter the IP address of the Robin SV in the address bar of the web browser that is installed on your
PC in order to access the web interface.
The Robin SV can now be configured via the web interface (see Chapter 5, Configuration).
System Installation