Roberts Stream 94i Скачать руководство пользователя страница 72



PO Box 130


South Yorkshire

S64 8YT


© 2017 Roberts Radio Limited

Issue 1a


This product is guaranteed for twenty four months from the date of purchase by the original owner against failure due to faulty workmanship or 
component breakdown, subject to the procedure stated below. Should any component or part fail during this guarantee period it will be repaired or 
replaced free of charge.
The guarantee does not cover:

1. Damage resulting from incorrect use.
2. Consequential damage.
3. Product with removed or defaced serial numbers.
N.B. Damaged or broken telescopic aerials will not be replaced under guarantee.

Any claim under this guarantee should be made through the dealer from whom the product was purchased. It is likely that your Roberts' dealer will be 


for attention. In the event that it is not possible to return the product to the Roberts dealer from whom it was purchased, please contact Roberts Radio 
using the contact details on the website.
For product repairs falling outside the guarantee period, please refer to the “Customer care” tab on the website.

These statements do not affect the statutory rights of a consumer.


Содержание Stream 94i

Страница 1: ...DAB FM WiFi Smart Radio with Internet Radio Music Player and Spotify Connect and remote control from iPhone and Android using UNDOK Please read this manual before use Stream 94i ...

Страница 2: ...ect 42 44 Spotify Connect the basics 42 Set up a Spotify account 42 Playing music using Spotify Connect 43 Controlling Spotify on your radio Friendly name 44 DAB mode 45 47 Selecting a DAB radio station 45 Finding new DAB radio stations 46 Manual Tuning 46 Dynamic Range Control settings 47 Station order setup and Prune stations 47 FM mode 48 49 Manual tuning 48 Scan setting Stereo Mono switching 4...

Страница 3: ...ailure Ɣ 6SRWLI RQQHFW DOORZV RXU 6SRWLI VHOHFWLRQV WR EH SOD HG WKURXJK the radio remotely controlled from your iPhone iPad Android device or any Desktop Ɣ 6XSSRUWV UHPRWH FRQWURO DQG SOD V PXVLF IURP SSOH L3KRQH L3DG and Android devices using the UNDOK app Ɣ OXHWRRWK VWUHDPLQJ WR SOD RXU PXVLF RU YLGHR VRXQGWUDFNV IURP your smartphone tablet or similar device Ɣ DUJH FORFN GLVSOD ZLWK WLPH DQG GD...

Страница 4: ...I RX FKRRVH WR FRQQHFW WKH UDGLR WR RXU QHWZRUN XVLQJ D ZLUHG WKHUQHW FRQQHFWLRQ WKHQ DQ WKHUQHW FDEOH RI DSSURSULDWH OHQJWK ZLOO EH QHHGHG I LW LV LQWHQGHG WR OLVWHQ WR 0 UDGLR H WHQVLYHO WKHQ WKHUH PD EH EHQH W in using a shielded Ethernet cable since this may reduce possible interference to the radio The radio s WiFi system is compatible with 802 11b g n or a networks and can use 2 4 GHz or 5 G...

Страница 5: ...LF OHV WKDW RX PD KDYH stored on a computer connected to your network The use of Shared Media using UPnP and USB playback is explained The Spotify Connect section explains the use of the radio in conjunction with the Spotify internet based music streaming service The two sections for DAB and FM Radio describe how to use the radio to listen to conventional radio broadcasts The Bluetooth VHFWLRQ GHV...

Страница 6: ...n 6 Preset 4 Pause button 7 Preset 3 Stop button 8 Preset 2 Fast forward button 9 Preset 1 Rewind button 10 Info Brightness button 11 Alarm button 12 On Standby Sleep button 9ROXPH FRQWURO 14 Remote control sensor 15 Display panel 16 Tuning Select Snooze control 17 Loudspeaker x 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 17 5 17 15 16 14 ...

Страница 7: ... socket 21 USB playback socket 22 Ethernet socket RJ 45 23 DC input socket 24 Subwoofer 25 Telescopic aerial antenna cable socket behind 20 19 18 25 24 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 9 12 Remote control handset 1 On Standby Sleep button 2 Preset buttons 1 5 Playback control buttons 3 Mode button 4 Info Brightness button 9ROXPH RZQ EXWWRQ 9ROXPH 8S EXWWRQ 7 Select Snooze button 8 Tuning Menu Up button 9 Menu Back b...

Страница 8: ...ended that the battery is removed IMPORTANT 7KH EDWWHU VKRXOG QRW EH H SRVHG WR H FHVVLYH KHDW VXFK DV IURP GLUHFW VXQVKLQH UH or the like After use disposable batteries should if possible be taken to a suitable recycling centre On no account should batteries be disposed of by incineration Do not leave batteries within reach of young children They can be a choking hazard Lock Open Coin slot WARNIN...

Страница 9: ... menu item then press the control to select that item If there are more than six items in a menu then the display will automatically scroll up or down so that the additional items become visible A sliding bar on the right will give an indication showing the current portion of the menu that is displayed If there are many items in a menu then the radio allows the menu to wrap around in either direct...

Страница 10: ...eans of connecting the radio to the mains supply The mains socket and any multi way mains block used for the radio must remain accessible during normal use In order to disconnect the radio from the mains the mains adaptor should be removed from the mains socket outlet completely 4 When you apply power the display on the radio will light up and show a start up screen for a few seconds I WKLV LV WKH...

Страница 11: ...ecting to your computer network on page 11 Otherwise you ZLOO UVW QHHG WR VHOHFW WKH FRUUHFW WLPH RQH DQG GD OLJKW VDYLQJV VHWWLQJ see the next steps If you choose No update you will need to set the clock PDQXDOO ODWHU VHH SDJH 3UHVV WKH FRQWURO WR FRQ UP RXU choice 4 Rotate Tuning to highlight the time zone for your current location Press Tuning to enter the setting 5 You will then need to set th...

Страница 12: ... such as the UNDOK app Rotate Tuning to highlight the required option and then press the control to make the selection After setting the Keep Connected option the display will show a list of supported WiFi regional options Rotate Tuning to highlight the required region for the UK choose Europe and then press the control to make the selection Do this even if you are planning to use the wired Ethern...

Страница 13: ...the wireless access point on the screen This is a name that is allocated to the access point in your router by the person who set up the network for example Jones family or Paul s network Routers supplied by Internet Service Providers often have the default name of the WiFi network provided on a label or card for easy reference e g BTHub 1234 virginmedia 1234567 If the router supports WiFi Protect...

Страница 14: ... then connect with the encryption key sent automatically to the radio Skip WPS if you wish to enter the encryption key yourself or if it was previously entered If you chose Push Button or PIN the screen will then show Connecting and then Setup wizard completed Press the Tuning control to exit the setup wizard and then go to paragraph 10 on the next page I RXU QHWZRUN LV FRQ JXUHG ZLWKRXW DQ HQFU S...

Страница 15: control as needed select to erase a character just entered long press to clear Info again to continue select when the complete key has been entered select to cancel and re run the Network Wizard If a WEP or WPA key has previously been entered for the selected SSID then the display will show Key Set If you have previously entered a different key you must clear this by selecting the symbol This w...

Страница 16: ...ect control to the desired network name Press the control to select this network The radio will then use its WiFi system to communicate with the network Depending on the settings for the new network you may need to enter an encryption key see pages 13 14 By default the radio will then acquire an IP address and other network settings from the network s router using DHCP Dynamic RVW RQ JXUDWLRQ 3URW...

Страница 17: corner of the display If you choose Wired WKHUH DUH YH VFUHHQV DQG WKH SURJUHVV PDUNHU ZLOO UHÀHFW WKLV DOWKRXJK WKH VWHSV WR VHW XS WKH QHWZRUN parameters are basically the same 7KH VXEVHTXHQW PHQXV DOORZ FRQ JXUDWLRQ RI WKH IROORZLQJ SDUDPHWHUV DHCP On or Off IP address e g 192 168 1 25 Subnet mask e g 255 255 255 0 Gateway adress e g 192 168 1 1 DNS address primary and secondary addresses SS...

Страница 18: ...s app may have been changed slightly since these instructions were written Please refer to the Roberts Radio website for guidance on how to use the latest version Note At the time of writing Android version 4 0 3 and later or iOS version 8 or later are required to use UNDOK RQ JXUDWLRQ 8VLQJ WKH 81 2 DSS Download the UNDOK app Download and install the UNDOK app on to your Android or iOS device ...

Страница 19: ...ptyou to use your device s WiFisettingstoconnect to your radio 4 Select your Stream 94i radio Once your devicehasconnected to the radio return to the UNDOK app 5 Use the app to complete the setup including giving the radio a name whether it is connected via WiFi or Ethernet If youwishtoconnectusing anEthernetcableplease see page 9 6 For a WiFi connection the app will ask you to choose a WiFi netwo...

Страница 20: iOS please see page 18 The UNDOK app KDV D VHWXS ZL DUG WR KHOS FRQ JXUH VXLWDEOH DXGLR GHYLFHV WR FRQQHFW WR RXU KRPH L L QHWZRUN 4 Your radio will normally appear in this list as Stream 94i It may appear in the list below calledOther Selectthe radio to be setup 6 Choose whether it is connected via WiFi or Ethernet If you wish to connect using an Ethernet cable please see page 9 7 For a WiFi c...

Страница 21: ...e Standby mode display the WiFi signal indicator is shown with or without a cross through it or the Ethernet connection indicator is shown unplugged or plugged in according to the state of the connection Your radio has the option of being controlled by an application installed on an Apple iPhone iPod touch iPad or equivalent Android device The PIN number facility allows you to ensure that your rad...

Страница 22: ...know the name of the station DQG WKH FRXQWU IURP ZKLFK D VWDWLRQ LV EURDGFDVW WKLV PD EH WKH HDVLHVW PHWKRG WR QG D station It is also a great way to experience radio from other parts of the world You may also search for an Internet radio station by Genre If you prefer a particular type of music Blues for example you may search for a radio station that broadcasts that type of music and you can cho...

Страница 23: ... Choose either All Stations or a list of countries 3 Highlight your chosen radio station Press Tuning 6HDUFKLQJ IRU D UDGLR VWDWLRQ E QDPH 1 Press Menu 2 Choose Station list Stations then Search Stations 3 To enter the search word s rotate Tuning to highlight each character for the search in turn and press Tuning to enter If you make an error rotate the control or use Info to access the delete cha...

Страница 24: ... station 3 Stations which enable you to listen to previously broadcast programmes may allow you to fast forward rewind to any point within a programme and play or pause Note These features are dependent on the programme or podcast and will not always be available Last Listened The Last Listened feature provides you with quick access to the ten most recently listened to radio stations or podcasts A...

Страница 25: ...uired Preset button 1 5 Your radio will then connect to the station stored in the preset memory The preset used will be shown at the bottom of the display screen 3UHVHWWLQJ VWDWLRQV QWHUQHW UDGLR DQG 0 Your radio has 40 memory presets for Internet radio 40 DAB and 40 FM which can easily be set to store the details of any radio station or for internet radio a podcast 7KH UVW YH SUHVHWV PD JHQHUDOO ...

Страница 26: ...trol to store the preset Preset stored will be shown on the display Repeat this procedure as needed for the remaining presets 4 Stations which are already stored in the presets may be over written by following the procedure above 5HFDOOLQJ D SUHVHW XVLQJ WKH PHQX SUHVHWV 1 Select the required mode Internet Radio DAB or FM using the Mode button 2 Press and release the Preset button to display the R...

Страница 27: ...d Stations Your radio uses a database which is accessed via the Internet in order WR QG RXW ZKLFK UDGLR VWDWLRQV DUH DYDLODEOH DQG KRZ LW VKRXOG FRQQHFW to them You are able to add your personal selections to this database These will only be accessible by you using your PC or your radio You can choose the stations which will appear in the My Favourites menu from WKH ODUJH VHOHFWLRQ DOUHDG OLVWHG G...

Страница 28: ...he web site use the link My added stations in the My account area To delete an added radio station click on the icon with a heart and minus symbol XVWRPLVLQJ RXU UDGLR FRQW RQ JXULQJ 0 DYRXULWH 6WDWLRQV 1 Using the web site at KWWS ZZZ ZL UDGLR IURQWLHU FRP it is possible to search among the many radio stations that are available by location genre orlanguage Youmayalsochoosefromneworpopularstation...

Страница 29: ...e 6HOHFWLQJ RXU DGGHG VWDWLRQV 1 When in Internet radio mode press Menu 2 Choose Station list and then My Added Stations 3 Rotate Tuning to highlight the required station and then press the control WR FRQ UP your selection The display will show Connecting ZKLOH LW QGV WKH QHZ VWDWLRQ In addition as mentioned on page 27 it is possible to specify audio streams for My added stations which are not com...

Страница 30: ...on If a DAB broadcast provides a slideshow image this may be viewed full screen by pressing the Tuning control Press the control again to exit FM Radio display options Station name scrolling text frequency program type and date In FM mode your radio can use the Radio Data System RDS to display the radio station name and additional text when provided by the broadcaster and where the radio signal is...

Страница 31: ...milar regardless of the UPnP DLNA server being used Music Player Use with Windows Apple Mac Linux USB memory 7KH 0XVLF 3OD HU DOORZV RX WR SOD DXGLR OHV ZKLFK DUH VWRUHG RQ D another device connected to your network or which are held on a USB memory device plugged into your radio 1HWZRUNHG GHYLFHV WKDW FRXOG KROG DXGLR OHV FDQ LQFOXGH FRPSXWHUV smartphones tablets NetworkAttachedStorage NAS units ...

Страница 32: ...the media OHV DYDLODEOH WR LW RQ RXU 3 7R DGG QHZ PHGLD OHV WR WKH OLEUDU select Library then Music then All music or Artist Album etc This will show you the current library contents You may then simply GUDJ DQG GURS OHV IURP RWKHU ORFDWLRQV LQWR WKH OLEUDU OWHUQDWLYHO ZLWK PHGLD OHV RU IROGHUV RQ WKH VFUHHQ RX PD ULJKW FOLFN RQ WKH OH RU IROGHU DQG VHOHFW Include in library and then select Music ...

Страница 33: ... may prompt you that there has been a connection to your UPnP server Whether prompted or not in order that WKH UDGLR PD DFFHVV WKH PXVLF OHV RX ZLOO QHHG WR FOLFN WKH Library tab in WMP 12 and select the Stream item to open the MediaStreaming window Select Automaticallyallowdevices to play my media then select Automatically allow all computer and media devices Alternatively select More Streaming o...

Страница 34: ... also need time to access the Internet to obtain additional information such as album art which it can display when you examine your music library on your PC For a library of many OHV WKLV FDQ WDNH VRPH WLPH Media selection When searching via UPnP you will have a selection of search criteria as determined by the UPnP server software on your computer This allows you to search by a given information...

Страница 35: ...escribed on the preceding pages 2 Rotate Tuning until the required track is highlighted 3 Press Tuning The track will begin playing The radio will then play subsequent tracks from the same album or folder RQWUROOLQJ SOD EDFN 1 Press Pause to pause playback of the current track 2 If you press Play playback will resume from the point where it was paused 3 Press Rewind to start playback of the previo...

Страница 36: ... RU GLVDEOH WKH 6KXIÀH RSWLRQ DSSO D ORQJ SUHVV on the Preset button The 6KXIÀH LFRQ ZLOO VKRZ RQ WKH GLVSOD ZKHQ 6KXIÀH LV HQDEOHG You may also control the option from the Main Music Player menu 2 Rotate Tuning until 6KXIÀH SOD is highlighted 7R DFWLYDWH WKH VKXIÀH RSWLRQ SUHVV Tuning so that On appears on the display Your selected tracks will be played in random order 7R WXUQ RII WKH VKXIÀH RSWL...

Страница 37: ...Q WKH 86 PHPRU GHYLFH GR QRW SODFH DOO OHV LQ WKH URRW IROGHU 7KH QXPEHU RI LWHPV OHV VXE IROGHUV LQ DQ IROGHU VKRXOG EH OHVV WKDQ 2000 6HDUFKLQJ DQG SOD EDFN ZLOO EH PRUH UHVSRQVLYH LI WKH QXPEHU RI OHV LQ any one folder is limited we suggest not more than 250 It is recommended that the USB memory is reformatted in your computer EHIRUH DGGLQJ RXU PXVLF OHV The maximum depth of folder nesting perm...

Страница 38: ... Player mode is selected 3 Rotate Tuning until USB playback is highlighted on the display and press the control The radio will now list the content stored on the USB memory device If WKHUH DUH PDQ OHV RU IROGHUV WKLV PD WDNH D IHZ VHFRQGV 4 Rotate Tuning to highlight the required folder and press the control to enter the current folder The list of tracks in the current folder will be displayed Alt...

Страница 39: ... 86 WUDFNV ZLOO VKRZ WKHLU OH QDPH UDVLQJ D WUDFN IURP WKH SOD OLVW 1 Press Menu and then choose My Playlist 2 Rotate Tuning until the track you wish to erase is highlighted SSO D ORQJ SUHVV on Tuning 3 To delete the track rotate Tuning until YES LV KLJKOLJKWHG WKHQ SUHVV WKH FRQWURO WR FRQ UP the deletion If you do not wish to delete the track from the list rotate Tuning to highlight NO and press...

Страница 40: ...ction in LWV LQWHUQDO PHPRU I RX XVH WKH UDGLR DW GLIIHUHQW ORFDWLRQV RX PD QG WKDW WKHUH DUH servers listed by the radio that you are no longer interested in The prune servers function allows only active UPnP servers on the currently connected network to be shown when selecting Shared Media from the Music Player menu 1 Press Menu Choose Prune servers To remove servers that are no longer required ...

Страница 41: ...milar functionality is available for handheld devices usingApple s iOS or Android operating systems by using the UNDOK app To use this feature choose the Local Music source option in the UNDOK app When used in this way the playing screen on the radio will show the current operating mode as Local Music In this mode the radio operates as a DLNA Digital Media Renderer 1 In order to use the Play to Ca...

Страница 42: ...ct additional content within Windows and again use the Play to Cast to Device function see steps 3 5 The additional tracks will be added to the playlist in the current Play to Cast to Device window You may also delete or change the order of tracks within the Play to Cast to Device window 9 When you wish to exit Local Music mode simply either switch off your radio or select a different operating mo...

Страница 43: ...o your radio you may start Spotify playing from the radio without needing to use the Spotify app 6SRWLI RQQHFW FRPSDWLELOLW LV VKRZQ ZLWK WKH IROORZLQJ LGHQWL HU 6HWWLQJ XS 6SRWLI RQQHFW For more details about setting up Spotify Connect please go to spotify com connect To use Spotify with your Stream 94i radio you will need to download the Spotify app and you will need a Spotify Premium account Th...

Страница 44: ...t Radio mode in order to cause your radio to connect to the network 2 Make sure that both your radio and Apple iOS Android device are connected to the same network and that you have downloaded the latest Spotify app on your device 3 Simply open the Spotify app on your Apple iOS Android device and FKRRVH D WUDFN RU SOD OLVW KHQ WKH 6SRWLI DSS KDV LGHQWL HG RWKHU devicesthatarecompatiblewithSpotifyC...

Страница 45: ...e controlled from within the current Spotify app 6 Press the Info button to step through the available display options 8VLQJ WKH 0RGH EXWWRQ WR VHOHFW 6SRWLI If you have previously connected using the Spotify Connect app you may select Spotify using the mode button on your radio 1 Press the Mode button to select the Spotify mode Please note if the power is removed you will need to re connect Spoti...

Страница 46: the Volume control to set the sound level as needed 5 If the station list is still empty after the scan the display will show Service not available If no stations are found it may be necessary to relocate your radio to a position giving better reception 6HOHFWLQJ D UDGLR VWDWLRQ 1 When playing a DAB radio station rotate Tuning to access the radio station list and to scroll through the available...

Страница 47: ...VSHFL F FKDQQHO RU IUHTXHQF 1 When in DAB mode press Menu 2 Choose Manual tune 3 Choose the required DAB channel Press Tuning When the radio has tuned the display shows the channel number and frequency and the name of the DAB multiplex found if any Abar graph shows the signal strength and is useful if you need to reposition the radio or its aerial The minimum signal marker I which separates the le...

Страница 48: ...d shows only those stations for which a signal can be found Prune stations If you move to a different part of the country some of the stations which were listed may no longer be available Also from time to time some DAB services may stop broadcasting or may change location or frequency Stations which cannot be found or which have not been received for a very long time are shown in the station list...

Страница 49: ...nly hear hiss or interference simply press Tuning to scan further Your radio may have found a spurious interference signal 7R QG PRUH 0 VWDWLRQV SUHVV Tuning to repeat the scan operation To scan down in frequency rotate Tuning LQ DQ DQWL FORFNZLVH GLUHFWLRQ UVW and then press the control Your radio will scan down the FM band from WKH FXUUHQWO GLVSOD HG IUHTXHQF DQG ZLOO VWRS VFDQQLQJ ZKHQ LW QGV D...

Страница 50: ...nsmissions 4 Alternatively to set your radio so that all available stations are found during scanning local and distant transmissions choose NO Note The initial setting out of the box or after a System Reset causes the radio to ignore weaker or more distant signals 6WHUHR 0RQR VZLWFKLQJ 0 Your radio will play stereo FM broadcasts in stereo provided that the received signal is of adequate strength ...

Страница 51: To cause the radio to become discoverable press Menu and then choose Setup Bluetooth Press Tuning Your Stream 94i will become discoverable by other devices 4 Using the Bluetooth settings of your phone tablet or PC direct it to search for discoverable devices After a few seconds you should see a device named Stream 94i Just occasionally it may take longer for the radio to be found by your devic...

Страница 52: ...nnected to the radio at any one time although it may be paired with several devices Once you have a Bluetooth enabled device connected to your radio it cannot be interrupted by another Bluetooth device unless you choose to break the connection 1 To connect to a different device press Menu and then choose Setup Bluetooth Press Tuning The Bluetooth indicator ÀDVKHV EOXH 2 Your Stream 94i radio will ...

Страница 53: ...d then choose View details and then Connected Device View Paired Device list 1 To view the paired device list press Menu and then choose View details and then Paired Device List 2 The radio will display a list of up to 8 previously connected devices Setup Bluetooth View details System settings Main menu Bluetooth Bluetooth Info Connected Device Paired Device List View details Bluetooth Info Connec...

Страница 54: ...ouldpositionyourBluetooth GHYLFHV FORVHU WR HDFK RWKHU LI RX REVHUYH FRPPXQLFDWLRQ GLI FXOWLHV WiFinetworksandcordlessphonesgenerallyusesimilarradiofrequencies to Bluetooth and may interfere with one another If any interference is noticed then try relocating the radio or one of the other devices TheBluetoothcapabilitiesofyourradioenableittoreceiveaudiofrommany Bluetooth capable devices including m...

Страница 55: ...equired 6HWWLQJ WKH FORFN IRUPDW The clock display used in Standby mode and on the playing mode screens can be set to 12 or 24 hour format The selected format is then also used when setting the alarms 1 With your radio switched on press Menu 2 Choose System settings Time Date Set format and then select either 12 or 24 hour The current clock display format is marked with an asterisk If the 12 hour ...

Страница 56: is applicable to your location 6 Select Daylight savings The asterisk shows the current setting In the UK ON is equivalent to British Summer Time OFF is equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time 7 Choose ON or OFF as required Press Menu to exit Clock style Your radio s standby display can be set to the analogue or digital clock style 1 With your radio switched on press Menu 2 Choose System settings Tim...

Страница 57: ...g AM or PM for the alarm time 7 The display will then return to the alarm setting menu 8 Choose Enable The display will show the Frequency options for the alarm The alarm frequency options are as follows Off the alarm will be disabled Daily the alarm will sound everyday Once the alarm will sound once Weekends the alarm will sound only at weekends Weekdays the alarm will sound on weekdays only 6HWW...

Страница 58: ... required volume setting 13 In order to store the alarm settings select the Save option Press Tuning Your radio will show Alarm saved and will then go back to the list of alarms with the new alarm setting shown in the display Ifyoudecidenottosavethesettings pressBack Thedisplaywillshow Savechanges with a YES or NO option Choose NO Alarm not saved will show on the display Active alarms are shown us...

Страница 59: ...g the control again while the radio is snoozed will set the available snooze time to 5 10 15 or 30 minutes 2 While the snooze timer is active the remaining snooze time is shown next to the ÀDVKLQJ DODUP LFRQ RQ WKH FORFN GLVSOD 3 In order to cancel the Snooze timer while the alarm is suspended press On Standby 7KH GLVSOD ZLOO EULHÀ VKRZ DQ Alarm Off message LVDEOLQJ DODUms 1 To disable an alarm wh...

Страница 60: ... cancel the sleep timer and leave the radio playing go back into the sleep timer settings steps 1 above and select the Off option Kitchen timer The Kitchen Timer allows you to set the radio to alert you after a pre determined interval up to 5 hours in 1 minute increments The kitchen timer can be set while the radio is in Standby or whilst in use 1 To change the kitchen timer settings while the rad...

Страница 61: enter the Equaliser menu 2 Choose 0 4 SUR OH VHWXS then Bass or Treble 3 Choose the desired level between 14 and 14 The sound will change as you turn the tuning control Press the control when you are happy with the bass or treble setting 4 Press Back and the display will prompt you to save the changes If you wish to save the changes choose YES If you do not wish to save the changes choose NO Pr...

Страница 62: ...Medium Low Low or Off brightness level Press the control to set the level Press the Menu button to exit When the radio is in Standby mode pressing a button or turning a rotary control will cause the radio to switch to the high brightness level for a few seconds This is so that even if the standby brightness level is set low it is still possible to see the time when needed Normal Standby Brightness...

Страница 63: ...nal level 4 After use disconnect your player in order to listen to your radio conventionally Inactive Standby feature In order to minimise its energy consumption when not in use your radio includes an automatic Inactive Standby feature This is designed to put your radio into standby if it detects that it is no longer being used in the following circumstances Internet radio streaming is stopped Mus...

Страница 64: ...ded cable and under strong local interference between43and80MHz Normalcommunicationwillresumeautomaticallywhen WKH LQWHUIHUHQFH VLJQDO LV UHPRYHG 0 UDGLR UHFHSWLRQ PD DOVR EHQH W IURP WKH use of a shielded cable OHFWUR PDJQHWLF FRPSDWLELOLW DGYLFH In the event of a malfunction due to electrostatic discharge mains power supply transients or short interruptions reset the product as above to resume n...

Страница 65: ...eed of your internet connection 3 Once the software update is completed the radio will prompt you to press Select to restart Press Tuning and RXU UDGLR ZLOO WKHQ UHVWDUW RX PD QG WKDW RX ZLOO QHHG WR UHFRQ JXUH RXU QHWZRUN FRQQHFWLRQ IROORZLQJ DQ XSGDWH RX PD DOVR QHHG WR UH HQWHU DOO UDGLR VWDWLRQ SUHVHWV DODUP VHWWLQJV DQG FRQ JXUDWLRQ RSWLRQV VERY IMPORTANT Do not switch off the power to the ra...

Страница 66: ... 2 Rotate Tuning until the IP address is showing on the display This is the local IP address used by your radio on your network In the example screen to the right the IP address is 192 168 1 27 Make a note of the IP address shown on your radio s display for the next stage 3 Ensure that your computer is on the same network as the radio On your computer enter the IP address noted above into the addr...

Страница 67: ... XVHIXO to visit the help section on our web site I RX KDYH GLI FXOW FRQQHFWLQJ WKH UDGLR WR RXU FRPSXWHU QHWZRUN VRPH of these steps may help to resolve the problem RQ UP WKDW D L L FRQQHFWHG 3 FDQ DFFHVV WKH QWHUQHW L H FDQ browse the web using the same network 2 Check that a DHCP server is available normally a router function Your radio will by default use DHCP unless you choose to disable it 7...

Страница 68: ...ctionispoor However somebroadcasters suchastheBBC provide different data streams for PC users and Internet radio listeners so this test is not always conclusive If you cannot play the station via your PC this may indicate that the problem is not necessarily due to your radio but it could be your network your internet connection the broadcaster or internet congestion Music Player UPnP problems The ...

Страница 69: ...s even within UPnP In general your radio will play the supported formats with most common UPnP servers The following table summarises the maximum supported bit rates for the various audio formats that are playable on your radio Higher rates may be playable in some cases but performance of the product may be affected Codec Maximum supported data rate 9 NELWV VHF ALAC 1 1 5 Mbits sec FLAC 2 1 5 Mbit...

Страница 70: ...use damage The name plate is located on the rear of the radio The AC DC adaptor and radio shall not be exposed to dripping or VSODVKLQJ DQG QR REMHFWV OOHG ZLWK OLTXLGV VXFK DV YDVHV VKDOO EH placed on the AC DC adaptor or the radio It is recommended to operate the product such that there is a minimum distance 10cm recommended to adjacent objects in order to ensure good ventilation The ventilation...

Страница 71: ...www iis fraunhofer de amm 0LFURVRIW LQGRZV 0HGLD XGLR GHFRGHU 0 This product is protected by certain intellectual property rights of Microsoft Use or distribution of such technology outside of this product is prohibited without a license from Microsoft 0LFURVRIW 5HDO 7LPH 6WUHDPLQJ 3URWRFRO 5763 This product is protected by certain intellectual property rights of Microsoft Use or distribution of s...

Страница 72: ...Damaged or broken telescopic aerials will not be replaced under guarantee Procedure Any claim under this guarantee should be made through the dealer from whom the product was purchased It is likely that your Roberts dealer will be DEOH WR DWWHQG WR DQ GHIHFW TXLFNO DQG HI FLHQWO EXW VKRXOG LW EH QHFHVVDU WKH GHDOHU ZLOO UHWXUQ WKH SURGXFW WR WKH FRPSDQ V VHUYLFH GHSDUWPHQW for attention In the eve...
