© Erwin Hymer Group North America, Inc., R00
Just like your house, your Roadtrek has fresh water, electricity, waste water disposal, heating, and cooling systems. In the Roadtrek, these systems are self-
contained and travel with you
Fresh Water
Fresh water is contained in two connected tanks, one underneath the front passenger seat, and the other underneath the vehicle directly below it. The two
tanks are filled and the water is used as a single tank. You do not have to switch anything to fill the tanks or use the water in them.
The gravity fill is located on the front passenger door post, near the door handle. Open the door and look for the orange plug. Remove this plug, fill with a hose
from any safe water source until it overflows out the fill opening. There is also an overflow tube attached to the top tank which will vent excess water out
underneath the front passenger side of the vehicle as the tank reaches capacity
Fresh water gravity fil
City water connection
Built-in pressure regulator