2. Manufacturer's requirements
PGC9300 Maintenance Logbook · EN07 · 2018, June 26th
2. Manufacturer's requirements
2.1. Annual maintenance of the process gas
The annual inspection of the PGC 930x must be carried out on the basis of the
checklist (Table Section 4) by persons who have received appropriate training
from RMG to provide such maintenance.
2.2. Metrological check / (re)calibration
Once the maintenance activities described in Section 2 are complete, the device
will subsequently undergo routine recalibration. A representative of the responsible
calibration authorities must be on hand for this purpose. The design approval and
the relevant guidelines and standards it contains are key to the technical
calibration of the system.
Recalibration entails:
Checking the area around the existing power outputs
Basic calibration of the PGC with internal calibration gas
Verification with external calibration gasses with chromatogram
Verification of power transmission and/or bus transmission of mandatory
calibration values
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Following the verification of the official parameters to be set in the GC 9300 (tab:
metrological check begins with the opening of the calibration lock and the implementation
of a basic calibration (select tab:
Detail->01-GC 9300->Mode->Basic Calibration
Following basic calibration, the new
response factors
Detail->09 Calibration
) and
retention times
Detail->09 Calibration Results->RTZ
) are noted
down in Table Section 4. If the device is calibrated using the “new mathematics”, the
s (tab:
Detail->11 Component Parameters/ [component]->GLK
) are to be noted down
instead of the
s. In addition, the chromatograms for the calibration gas are compared
with the sample chromatograms shown in the design approval. The chromatograms can
be analysed using the RMGViewGC software or on the basis of the chromatogram
displays in GC 9300 (tab:
The metrological check of the device takes place subsequently. The test gases defined in
the design approval are analysed in succession. At least three analyses are required for
each gas. The result of the third analysis is to be used for the verification. The results of
these analyses are to be found in the GC 9300 (tab:
) and
should be fully
recorded in the table provided for this purpose
. The key parameters for the official
verification (according to the design approval) are indicated in the table. The setpoints can
be found in the certificates for the test gasses used and should also be noted. It is
recommended that the chromatograms of the test gasses should be checked.